2012 David Icke’s paradox

I am looking at the essence that David Icke is talking about when addressing how we can change the world to be a better place. I point out that there is an inherent paradox because on the one hand he states that we are all one, on the other he promotes separation from the others… For solutions that are inclusive of everyone and everything – yes, this is possible – check out www.eqafe.com and get your reading/hearing for the day! Oneness and equality is not lipservice, it requires thorough application on all fronts of our existence. Join us or ask questions: www.desteni.org

ARMY WARNING! – Message to all Patriots 2-2

Thanks to user – www.youtube.com LATEST NEWS! – www.infowars.com ……………….melting 24. rule secrecy secret society skull bones masonic freemason famous assassination alien agenda david icke reptile people illusion talk liberty aliens killed tonkin oliver stone terrorists…