Chris Brooks – Velvet Claws [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

A playful track from the album “The Axis of All Things”. I had fun sort of teasing a couple of styles on this one. Velvet Claws is the first single from the 2nd Chris Brooks solo album, entitled “The Axis of All Things”. It’s available from and iTunes . Deluxe edition on includes the song, a backing track, 18-page transcription and the promo video! Brought to life on film by Chris Brooks – guitar, Steve Paoli – guitar, Cee Jay St. John – bass, Aled Powell — drums.A Dusk Music Video Production. Main guitar on the track is a PRS Custom 24 whilst the Suhr in the clip was used for the break down solo. Both guitars went into a Mesa Dual Rectifier 1996 2-channel head. Please see other CB videos at http

For The Haters

This is for all the people on the Internet hating on our new President Barack H. Obama. … President Barack Obama White House Presidential Election America To All The Haters This Is For You Jeffersons Theme Song Proud African American People Happy Smile Eracism Colin Powell Martin Luther King Fredrick Douglas Doctor Daniel Hale Williams Benjamin Banneker Harriet Tubman Mary Mcloud Bethune George Washington Carver David Duke Banner Tupac Shakur Diddy Blog Airfro Braids Chicken Basketball BBQ …