Alex Jones Calls the White House

Alex calls the White House and leaves a message about the H1N1 hoax. Classic. Download it. ______ Swine flu pandemic? It feels like a phoney war Dr John Crippen is the pseudonym of an NHS doctor who writes a popular medical blog. This is his account of the view from the GP’s surgery * Dr John Crippen * The Guardian, Friday 1 May 2009 Oh! God, now I know it is serious. The Health Protection Agency has sent me an algorithm to tell me how to deal with swine flu. It arrived today in an email …

Infirm Individual feat. The Cult Of Penn – NWO Countdown Remix 09

video-version of the song. Everything created by Clive W. Copyright 2009 by Clive W. // … Alex Jones Conspiracy Rock Roll Rap Hip Hop Crossover New World Order Illuminati Weird Halls Of Amenti NWO Neue Weltordnung Barack Obama Change Hope FEMA Camps Jeffrey Saud BBC CNN Newstime Television Official Jesse Woddrow Clive W. The Great Variety All Possibilities Jordan Maxwell Michael Tsarion Jim Marrs David Icke CNBC News Infowars Prisonplanet Zeitgeit Kymatica Esoteric Agenda …

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government. – Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government. – The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. http … changedachannel Obamadeception obama deception alex jones …

Steve Quayle Calls upon the Lord

Jason Bermas, infowarrior is joined by Alex Jones and Steve Quayle for another Emergency Broadcast 4-29-09. Steve calls upon the almighty for strength to do his will.