2010-1-5 Ben Fulford Major happy changes happening soon, possibly this week or this month

benjaminfulford.typepad.com INCOME TAX INFO RELEVANT TO US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA “ATO Income Tax claiming all withheld back” www.truthmovementaustralia.com.au paynoincometax.com “Accepted for Value”Paying Bills with your signature basically drawing from your Birth Certificate Account PLEASE GET INTO WIZARD OF OZ BELOW TO LEARN MORE www.truthmovementaustralia.com… MORE PERSON RELATED AS POSTED ON MY COMMENTS SO PLEASE CHECK FOR MORE UPDATES AND GOING BACK A MONTH OR 2 ThankYouWhiteKnights (1 week ago) Remove | Spam Marked as spam MORE “WIZARD OF OZ” UNDOING THE RIDDLE TO THE IRS YOUR STRAWMAN FREEMAN GOLD ETC famguardian.org specifically famguardian.org famguardian.org but you will also see UCC doc in their i have not opened yet SEE MORE BELOW ON WIZARD OF OZ ThankYouWhiteKnights ThankYouWhiteKnights (1 week ago) Remove | Spam Marked as spam FREEMAN BEST INTRO VIDEOS JUST WATCHED “Videos: John Harris: It’s An Illusion John Harris – Its An Illusion – 54 Minutes” 4 videos on leader in Britain that affects us all under International Commerce UCC the highest written law on the planet loveforlife.com.au also the 54 min an illusion 1 here along with many others home.exetel.com.au ThankYouWhiteKnights ThankYouWhiteKnights (1 week ago) Remove | Spam Marked as spam “THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939)” THE WIZARD OF OUNCES OF GOLD & SILVER FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO THE GOLD A POLITICAL ALLEGORY OR NOTICE OF THE THEN NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM TO OPERATE IN BANKRUPTCY AFTER 1929 STOCK MARKET

How Easy it is to Stage Terror or Laughter Batman Colorado Shootings Compared to Leeroy Jenkins WOW

THIS IS A STAGED TERROR & LAUGHTER EVENT! Staged terror! GAH! Listen here humanz! If I see one more fucking news clip, interview, show, discussion, bogus news casters acting like they care, I will fart on a Batman costume. I WILL DO IT – Trumpet Dinopup Don’t pay attention to Batman – The Dark Knight Rises shooting it was a staged terror event in order to inspire more fear, sadness, low vibration and government control. But what do I know I’m a T-rex Dinopup. What more is there to say? Rwwwaarr! Humanz in NYC at Julliard School of the Farty Pants. Spending all your money to get a fancy peace of paper that says you’re an artist does not mean you’re an artist and I eat those people but with love and compliments and dance moves.


jordanmaxwell.com King James Bible (KJV) was revised and supervised by Francis Bacon among others, Bacon who was a high initiate in several secret societies, and a Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order. King James himself was a prominent Freemason www.illuminati-news.com James VI of Scotland freemasonry.bcy.ca Hidden Roots of Religion jordanmaxwell.com jordanmaxwell.com The King James Bible freemasonry.bcy.ca Contract or Mutual Agreement of 1658 freemasonry.bcy.ca King James – The Founder of Freemason Lodges www.moriel.org A few famous freemasons freemasonry.bcy.ca Canaanite means banker books.google.co.uk www.jonasclark.com www.soundatrumpet.com www.blakestoltman.net 38900 for canaanite merchant. www.google.co.uk t&btnG=Search&meta= 14600 for canaanite bankers on a google search. www.google.co.uk mp;resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=canaanite+b ankers&a mp;spell=1 VIDEOS to watch video.google.co.uk zeitgeistmovie.com www.youtube.com Americans must read this. www.sfgate.com


Fascism Obvious all Over the Place, Socialism, its Twin Has Same Old Face. All links can be found at: www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com