WWE 12 – All secret achievments Revieled

Finished VILLAIN episode – 30G – Complete VILLAIN episode in ROAD TO Wrestlemania Finished OUTSIDER episode – 30G – Complete OUTSIDER episode in ROAD TO Wrestlemania Finished HERO episode – 30G – Complete HERO episode in ROAD TO Wrestlemania Well Scouted – 15G – Reverse an Opponent’s Finishing Move (Single Player) The Art of Submission – 15G – Win by Applying a submission to a heavily damaged body part (Single Player) Destroyer – 15G – Inflict Heavy Damage to opponent’s head,arms and legs (Single Player) For Whom the Bell Tolls – 15G – Pin or Submit Undertaker in Wrestlemania arena on Legend Difficulty (Single Player) Thank You Edge – 15G – Win 37 Times with Edge in One Session (Single Player) Merciless Attack – 15G – Injure an opponent in WWE UNIVERSE (Singe Player) Master of the Brawl – 30G – Execute a finisher against all 44 areas in FREE BRAWL Reach the Ropes! – 15G – Crawl to the ropes during a submission (Single Player) That’s Gotta Hurt! – 15G – Win a FREE BRAWL by throwing your opponent through the window (Single Player) You’ve Got Fans! – 30G – Content you uploaded to Community Creations is downloaded 5 or more times by other players

New Data Shows Poverty At All Time High – Poor Elderly Rate Skyrocketing

From: www.youtube.com November 08, 2011 – According to the Census Bureau, poverty in America is at an all-time high. Dean Reynolds reports on the new data, and its impact on the elderly population.FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.