Alien Contact.part1

Documentary about SETI, watch entire video and please leave comments. This will be of interest to anybody intriged by topics like aliens, UFO’s, space, extraterestrials, nasa, science, society, unexplained and the paranormal. Alternatively anyone curious about a possible future.(Richard Hoagland, George Noory, Jim Marrs, Art Bell, Billy Meier)

The Nibiru Dream, Time, & The Dimensional Shift(1_4)

Credits to 5T4RSCREAM144 LINKS BELOW: I Hope your enjoy this series. The purpose is to better your understanding of reality. The VERY MOST IMPORTANT thing I hope you get out of this is to understand the nature of reality and the holographic dream you are currently in. Do research on this if you do not understand it. Understanding and having the information is the most natural way to control your mind. Rather than forcing yourself to feel a certain way, obtain your desired mental state because you are “In The Know”! Learn to control your mind and thoughts using ancient hermetic philosophy at Peace & Love! Danny 5T4RSCREAM144 ———- Reference ———- Mayan 9th Wave Cliff Notes – The Nature Of Reality: The Number 11 & The 911 Attack: Drunvaloe Melchizedek – Dimensional Shift: David Wilcock – The End Of Time ScienceCasts: Space-Time Vortex Quantum Manifestation – Where Thoughts Go The Energy Flows The Nibiru Document – DO NOT USE TO FEAR MONGER. The Timewave App: (NOTE: Ensure you have Java enabled on your PC)


This video examines and reveals various secrets held by the highest ranking members of the world’s secret society networks including the freemasonic “illuminati” or “enlightened ones”. Symbology has a very high emphasis among such groups as they respect and understand the power they hold in affecting the world around us. The American dollar bill is packed full of occultic significance all of which is explained such as the language used, the pyramid, the all seeing eye, the numerology and the owl of moloch. The Bohemian Grove is also briefly discussed given the connection it has with the very same pagan deity being worshipped by some of the world’s leading and most powerful politicians, industrialists and media moguls. Excerpts were taken from a lecture given by researcher and historian Jordan Maxwell.

Phase 3 Deutsch Synchronisiert – pt.2 Religiöser Symbolismus HQ

Phase 3 Religiöser Symbolismus In diesem Teil wird vor dem Dajjal, dem Antichristen gewarnt. Der Antichrist ist einäugig. Sein rechtes Auge ist wie eine vertrocknete Pflaume. Dass Pyramiden Symbol mit dem allsehenden Auge ist eines der bekanntesten Zeichen der Illuminaten, Freimaurer und Satanisten. Sie verehren ihren einäugigen Antichristen und halten Satan für ihren Gott. Nehmt euch in acht und Informiert euch über diesen Symbolismus. Weitere Informationen findet ihr unter oder auf dem Kanal von noreagaaa http