Will Nibiru’s appearance in 2012 lead to multiple cataclysmic events? Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 1 of 3: www.youtube.com Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 2 of 3: www.youtube.com Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 3 of 3: www.youtube.com ELENIN = Extinction Level Event Nibiru Is Near Click here to watch this Interview w/Nibiru Insider on 6/6/11: www.youtube.com Perhaps the Nibiru insider was referring to the magazine mentioned in this video: NIBIRU – PLANET X – HERCOLUBUS, The Evidence! (MIRRORED) : www.youtube.com For anyone who is still a “Doubting Thomas” that Nibiru is for real: Nibiru 2012 Is Now Visible On Google Sky: beforeitsnews.com It appears that all of the world’s governments, the media, and all scientists are covering up the fact that there is now at least one or more massive objects that are approaching us. Could they really be Nibiru and the brown dwarf star? If so, why haven’t there been any reports from scients about the gravitational perturbations in the outer planets like we would expect to see from these massive objects? Perhaps there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep the truth from the people until the last possible moment! Here are several more relevant videos to watch: Do you think that China would allow this information to get out to the public unless there really was some truth to it ? ‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation: www.youtube.com ABSOLUTELY! ABSOLUTELY! 2 SUNS & SOMETHING ELSE www.youtube.com THE SUN HAS A FRIEND 2.mp4 www.youtube …
Tag: religion
Will Nibiru’s appearance in 2012 lead to multiple cataclysmic events? Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 1 of 3: www.youtube.com Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 2 of 3: www.youtube.com Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 3 of 3: www.youtube.com ELENIN = Extinction Level Event Nibiru Is Near Click here to watch this Interview w/Nibiru Insider on 6/6/11: www.youtube.com Perhaps the Nibiru insider was referring to the magazine mentioned in this video: NIBIRU – PLANET X – HERCOLUBUS, The Evidence! (MIRRORED) : www.youtube.com For anyone who is still a “Doubting Thomas” that Nibiru is for real: Nibiru 2012 Is Now Visible On Google Sky: beforeitsnews.com It appears that all of the world’s governments, the media, and all scientists are covering up the fact that there is now at least one or more massive objects that are approaching us. Could they really be Nibiru and the brown dwarf star? If so, why haven’t there been any reports from scients about the gravitational perturbations in the outer planets like we would expect to see from these massive objects? Perhaps there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep the truth from the people until the last possible moment! Here are several more relevant videos to watch: Do you think that China would allow this information to get out to the public unless there really was some truth to it ? ‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation: www.youtube.com ABSOLUTELY! ABSOLUTELY! 2 SUNS & SOMETHING ELSE www.youtube.com THE SUN HAS A FRIEND 2.mp4 www.youtube …
Art Bell interviews Richard Hoagland about anomolies on Mars and the Moon.
Botschaft eines Außerirdischen – Teil 1/3
Email von ET – Do You Wish That We Show Up? – Teil 1 Im Umkreis von 300 Lichtjahren wurden bis Ende 2010 über 500 Exoplaneten entdeckt. Dies bedeutet, dass um 7% der uns umgebenden Sterne Planeten kreisen. Im September 2010 wurde um den 20 Lichtjahre entfernten Stern Gliese 581 ein sechster Planet nachgewiesen (581 g). Dieser Gesteinsplanet umkreist seinen Mutterstern in der habitablen Zone, was bedeutet, dass Wasser hier in flüssiger Form existieren kann – die wichtigste Grundvoraussetzungen für biologisches Leben wie wir es kennen. In unserer Heimatgalaxie gibt es ca. 250 Milliarden Sterne und es existieren noch grob geschätzt 100 Milliarden weitere Galaxien. Schätzungen zufolge beherbergt unser Universum um die 70 Trilliarden Sterne. Eine 7 mit 22 Nullen. Die Theorie der Einzigartigkeit unseres Planeten – mit all seinem Leben, welches sich teilweise unter höchst lebensfeindlichen Bedingungen behauptet – ist mathematisch wie philosophisch unlogisch. Die Annahme, dass der “Samen des Lebens” im Universum gerecht verteilt wurde und Leben sich überall dort entwickelt, wo die Rahmenbedingungen stimmen, macht wesentlich mehr Sinn, als davon auszugehen, dass der Geist der Schöpfung sein biologisches Experiment auf diesen mikroskopisch kleinen Punkt namens Erde konzentriert haben soll. Unser Universum hat einen Durchmesser von 78 Milliarden Lichtjahren, unser Heimatplanet hat einen Durchmesser von 0043 Lichtsekunden, und die physikalischen Gesetze sind überall gleich. Die …
Art Bell interviews Richard Hoagland about anomolies on Mars and the Moon.