President Barack Obama wishes all muslims a Ramadan Kareem (A blessing Ramadan) with subtitle

Ramadan Message From the President of the united States: Barack Obama

George Carlin Philosophy (Part 2): Religion and Consumerism

More words of wisdom from Carlin Theatre. WARNING: I apologize for any audio or video burps, but sometimes the audio overlaps and I have to cut it where it ends. Doing so allows for brief flashes of video or audio due to morons interupting George, or camera changes in mid speech. Thanks.

George Carlin vs. Fred Phelps (Douchebag)

After Fred Phelps boasted “George Carlin is in Hell” shortly after his death, George Carlin rose from the grave to beat him down. Keith Olbermann and Jerry Seinfeld gave him a hand, but George brings down Phelps’ bullshit with his usual flawless logic.

George Carlin – Religion is bulshit – Religião é besteira

DESCULPAS A TODOS: FUI OBRIGADO A RETIRAR O AUDIO DESTE VIDEO E SUBSTITUI-LO PORQUE A EQUIPE DO YOUTUBE ENTENDEU QUE ELE INFRIGIA OS DIREITOS AUTORAIS DE CERTAS PARTES. OBRIGADO A TODOS PELA COMPREENSÃO. Thanks to notthisperson21 for posting the ‘original’.Coloquei a legenda porque achei o video interessante e gostaria que mais brasileiros (ou outros falantes do portugues) pudessem entendê-lo. Desculpe-me pelas falhas e obrigado pelos comentários.