Episode 1: News of Earth being broadcast to the entire Milky Way Galaxy, hosted by Leery Thomas and assisted by Trudy Spheron, with on-the-scene reports by RT. The focus of this series of special reports is on the new human science of remote viewing. The Galaxy is watching as Earth heads toward the “Event.” (Episode 1 release date: 29 January 2011) A production of www.farsightpresentations.com A new type of motion-picture entertainment design, even better than science fiction. Remote-viewing “edutainent,” or reality-based educational entertainment that pushes back the boundaries of traditional science fiction. Starfield and planetary backgrounds by Ric Lopez Fabrega at www.continuum3d.com , NASA, and JPL. For more information on remote viewing, see http Directed by Courtney Brown, www.courtneybrown.com
Tag: remote viewing
How Remote Viewing Works: Dr. Simeon Hein Pt. 4
LearnRV.info Sign-up now! Dr. Hein’s virtual remote viewing classes are now live online! Excerpts from a presentation by Dr. Simeon Hein at the International UFO Congress, 2005. Dr. Hein is the director of the Institute for Resonance in Boulder, Colorado. The Institute is devoted to the study of subtle-energy sciences including remote viewing, crop circles and related subjects. Dr. Hein has a Ph.D. in sociology and has previously taught research methodology and statistic courses. Simeon’s most recent book is PLANETARY INTELLIGENCE 101 Easy Steps to Energy, Well-Being, and Natural Insight, a simple primer for anyone interested in connecting to subtle-energies on a daily basis. He is also the author of OPENING MINDS: Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance. www.CrystalBlueMind.com http www.OpeningMinds.info http
HAARP – FreemanTV – May 15th, 2005
www.freemantv.com Freeman’s award-winning documentary on HAARP. The US Government has a new ground-based “Star Wars” weapon which can change weather patterns, jam all global communications, unnaturally impact the earth’s upper atmosphere, and negatively effect your health.