Eros and Phobos ANOMALIES

Music : David Bowie – Space Oddity / Eros & Phobos Anomalies I make this video 3 years ago. The quality is not optimal but some pictures must to be explored…

Mars Rover Curiosity Planet Exploration NASA Alien Life Search – mars rover curiosity planet exploration nasa alien life search seti ovni martian landing science real star trek outer space comicon seticon richard hoagland coast to coast am cydonia secrets universe martians olympics unknown mysteries gale crater water lifeforms save today new this week month news unexplained aliens ufo flying saucer rovers jpl mars rover curiousity planet exploration nasa alien life search seti ovni martian landing science real star trek outer space pictures photos comicon seticon first pics richard hoagland coast to am cydonia secrets universe martians olympics stephenville texas tarleton university unknown mysteries gale crater water lifeforms save today new this week month news unexplained aliens unsolved ufo flying saucer rovers jpl


There are multiple structural and geometrical rocks who make remind to architectural forms on this picture taked by the Opportunity rover. Look at 6:00 on the upper left corner if you want a proof. The messages from people who tell “that’s just rocks” are not accepted. Yes this is rocks.. but ARTIFICIAL rocks. Image Source : MUSIC: 1th Song Artist: Nine Inch Nails / Song: Gone, Still 2th Song Artist: Massive Attack / Song: Everybody’s Got A Family 3th Song Unknown Artist – The Last Inch

Retired Command Sergeant Major in the US Army, Bob Dean Tells All part 1

Tutorial : How to Reveal Structures on Mars (HD)

How to reveal structures on Mars with Photoshop? An exemple with this official picture then I analyse in one of my last video : (program in FRENCH) Direct link to this official picture : Link to this picture on the catalog : MUSIC = Artist : Silence / Song : Effacé