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C2CAM – 2011.10.06 – Remote Viewing Insights – Info

Coast to Coast AM Remote Viewing Updates Date: 10-06-11 Host: George Noory Guests: Major Ed Dames, Lamont Wood [Quick Info] Remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, will discuss the current cases his agency (Matrix Intelligence Agency) is working on, as well as updates on sun spot activity, military events around the world, extraterrestrial observers on Earth, and forecasts of global pandemic. [Full Info] Remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, shared his latest insights and predictions, based on remote viewing done by him and his team. He announced that the current solar cycle could generate some deadly coronal mass ejections– a series of “killshots” (that he’s been warning about for years) “that will turn Earth into a rotisserie.” He also foresees a global economic collapse that will be associated with a global pandemic (a variation or combination of the bird and swine flu). Interestingly, he predicted that Germany may soon be dropping the Euro, and switching back to its original currency. While in America, “you’re going to see unemployment…up to 40% in a year and a half,” and this will lead to martial law, and a police state, with the possible use of FEMA camps, Dames cautioned, adding that the 2012 presidential election may be postponed. The Fukushima situation, with fallout from the nuclear plant, is far worse than people are being told, and is “the largest disaster in human history as far I’m concerned,” he continued. He suggested that ET intervention may play a role in


playlist www.youtube.com Hawk LISTEN UP! CALLING ALL FEDS!Intercessors! Praise the Lord Sue B survived the crisis. Please continue to pray for her, Romie, and Jim. Hawk needs prayer and financial support. Write Hawk at Steve Quayle’s address ATTN HAWK – steve777@stevequayle.com If you can send financial support to Hawk, send to Hawk care of Steve Quayle- Safe Trek 315 Edelweiss Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718 1.406.586.484 www.stevequayle.com Enerfood! www.enerhealthbotanicals.com Protect yourself with Mesosilver http 866 233 4633 CALL STEVE for immediate delivery of metals 406 586 4840 DISCLAIMER!!! I POST THESE VIDEOS OUT OF LOVE FOR STEVE AND HAWK AND THE LORD. NO ONE ASKS ME TO PROMOTE STEVE’s INTERESTS OR TO ASK FOR DONATIONS FOR HAWK. I DO THESE THINGS FOR THE LORD JESUS. ON MY OWN WITH NO AFFILIATION WITH QFILES.


Planet x talk With Steve Quayle..The program in the video is EARTHQUAKE 3D showing EarthQuakes around the globe in just the past week 4.0 mag being the Min. news.yahoo.com stevequayle.com www.returnofplanet-x.com stevequayle.com www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com theintelhub.com www.fbo.gov www.fbodaily.com www.palmbeachpost.com modernsurvivalblog.com bigwobblenews.blogspot.com www.sott.net www.nogalesinternational.com www.foxnews.com rabbithole2.com online.wsj.com news.blogs.cnn.com www.upi.com www.malaya.com.ph beta.toledoblade.com www.hurriyetdailynews.com news.yahoo.com www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk www.earth-issues.com www.impactlab.net www.fema.gov www.jpl.nasa.gov www.cnn.com www.themercury.com.au www.livinginperu.com www.theweathernetwork.com www.huffingtonpost.com www.msnbc.msn.com www.cfnews13.com