12/12 Blogtalk Round Table Stewart Best Larry Taylor Stan Deyo LA Marzulli – JAN 11

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com Matthew 24:8 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs Blogtalk Spitfire Radio 1-11-11 www.blogtalkradio.com Stewart Best and Larry Taylor www.thelightgate.com Stan Deyo http LA Marzulli lamarzulli.wordpress.com

C2CAM – 2007.04.15 – UFO & Antigravity Disclosure 1/11

Date: 04-15-07 Host: Art Bell Guests: Major Ed Dames, David B. Sereda UFO Researcher David Sereda discussed his recent work, videotaping the disclosure of 73-year old Boyd Bushman, a Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist of 20 years, who held Top Secret clearance. He holds a number of patents and designed the Red Eye Missile (now the Stinger Missile), and infrared FLIR systems. Bushman also reverse engineered antigravity and UFO technology, Sereda reported. There is a force related to the expansion of the universe that is actually stronger than gravity, and this could be connected to antigravity propulsion, Bushman told him. He demonstrated phases that lead up to antigravity, including experiments in which magnets reduced the gravity of a rock. Bushman verified that Area 51 in Nevada was indeed the place where alien craft were tested– but such testing moved to a facility in Utah after Area 51 became well known, he noted. Bushman also revealed that he was friends with a Navy doctor that treated a pilot who shot down the Roswell craft in 1947. Though he didn’t state the specific type of weapon used, Sereda speculated that it might have been Tesla’s “death ray,” confiscated by the government after Tesla’s death in 1943. Bushman also showed Sereda a diagram for a nuclear-powered flying saucer, which he said was first flown out of Wright Patterson AFB in 1959. Wheat Blight Update First hour guest, remote viewing teacher Ed Dames checked in to discuss a growing wheat

4/11 HAWK! War is on APRIL 22 2010

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com Hawk WWIII is here April 22 2010 Pray for ROMY SUE B. all others STEVE QUAYLE WILL BE ON LIVE THURSDAY APRIL 29 5-7 CT 6-8 ET www.stevequayle.com Steve Quayles Coast to Coast appearance April 7 click on playlist — www.youtube.com Hawk needs prayer and financial support. Write Hawk at Steve Quayle’s address ATTN HAWK – steve777@stevequayle.com If you can send financial support to Hawk, send to Hawk care of Steve Quayle- Safe Trek 315 Edelweiss Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718 1.406.586.484 www.stevequayle.com Enerfood! www.enerhealthbotanicals.com Protect yourself with Mesosilver http 866 233 4633 CALL STEVE for immediate delivery of metals 406 586 4840 DISCLAIMER!!! I POST THESE VIDEOS OUT OF LOVE FOR STEVE AND HAWK AND THE LORD. NO ONE ASKS ME TO PROMOTE STEVE’s INTERESTS OR TO ASK FOR DONATIONS FOR HAWK. I DO THESE THINGS FOR THE LORD JESUS. ON MY OWN WITH NO AFFILIATION WITH QFILES.

Flaws & All by Beyonce (cover by Sayurii)

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