King James Bible (KJV) was revised and supervised by Francis Bacon among others, Bacon who was a high initiate in several secret societies, and a Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order. King James himself was a prominent Freemason James VI of Scotland Hidden Roots of Religion The King James Bible Contract or Mutual Agreement of 1658 King James – The Founder of Freemason Lodges A few famous freemasons Canaanite means banker 38900 for canaanite merchant. t&btnG=Search&meta= 14600 for canaanite bankers on a google search. mp;resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=canaanite+b ankers&a mp;spell=1 VIDEOS to watch Americans must read this.
Tag: russo
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Symbolizm Illuminati – Jednodolarówka (napisy PL)
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JFK Conspiracy? PROOF finally revealed! (with SOUND)
more convincing … … jay-z JFK conspiracy death murder Kennedy dwyerlupin shocking lies Zapruder history historical assassination freemasons pyramid all seeing eye Evolution of Dance avril girlfriend global propaganda nazi bush queen elizabeth sheep Freemasons and Illuminati in Music The Killers Read My Mind Rock Island Flood [Producer] Alan illuminati new world order 9/11 alex jones rosie russo false flag david icke inside job christianity ron paul iran 911 Moulder Diane Martel Georgina …