Conspiracy Theory

So I talk about conspiracy’s and a David Icke lecture for 20 mins! yes its long! people said they wanted longer videos! so here you go! If you don’t like long vlogs maybe watch it in 2 or 3 bits! Oh and sorry about the first time i uploaded this Youtube messed it up! twice!

#15 Reagan’s Gang

I compiled a top 15 list of my favorite routines from the greatest stand-up comedian of all time, the late, great George Carlin.

Dear Glenn Beck, Egypt Destabilization-Op Hatched by Globalists, Not Communists Alex Jones breaks down the real factors behind Egypt’s uprising in a special video report where he rebuffs the theories of Glenn Beck, who tries to link the Muslim Brotherhood to radical socialism in the United States. While George Soros has significant influence over these mid-east events, he alone is not the ringmaster in the global game of chess. He is, rather, among those in control of an offshore globalist corporate cartel that dominates the finance of all nations and seeks influence over their domestic affairs. For Beck, current events in Egypt are occurring as a result of their connection to his pet-list of far-Left idealogues, like Van Jones, and a host of organizations and unions allegedly linked to Soros. While many of these connections are legitimate, Beck obscures altogether the long history of Pentagon intervention in foreign politics. The CIA and US military have, for decades, sponsored and created radical Islamic factions, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and more. What is really underway is a complex series of destabilization efforts all across the Middle East region, and perhaps the making of a wider war. Carroll Quigley: The Anglo-American Establishment Caroll Quigley: Tragedy & Hope Arnold Toynbee: Acquaintances (See TE Lawrence, Nehru, et al.) TE Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia): Seven