The Five Fingers of Fate

This video briefly discusses YU55, Comet Elenin, Moon impact, GCN11133 and personal concerns regarding upcoming national events on 11-09-11 through 11-22-11. Richard Hoagland states that he does not think an impact will occur in the Pacific on 11-09-11 because Obama will be at an APEC meeting in Hawaii on that date and thinks that he would not be placed in danger if indeed such an impact could occur on 11-09-11. This is where I believe that Obama’s presence in Hawaii on 11-09-11 puts Obama in no danger because on 11-09-11 he will notify us that the impact will supposedly occur on 11-11-11 with an impact on earth. This is why Obama has no concern for being in Hawaii on 11-09-11 for the APEC meeting he will be visiting. This would also be when I suspect that FEMA coordination and the offer of assets to assist in evacuations will be made available to Hawaii. There is much Obama can discuss in secret once he is in Hawaii, but I do not suspect a Pacific impact on 11-09-11 as much as I do on 11-11-11. I have also concluded that on August 23, 2011 that the east coast earthquake and possible underground tunnels being nuked could have set the NWO back because the whole of September was devoid of ritual activity involving this specific ritual. I remind you also that after the August 23 incident, on August 30 is when Comet Elenin supposedly was hit by some type of plasma wave or solar flare type event coming from Saturn. I have had to consider that after the August 23 incident that

Atlantis – Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World – Bullet Version

Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth’s oceans stunning evidence of Atlantis that pre-dates the last ice age. For more information on this topic we recomend the film #U663 Atlantis: Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World – 3 DVD Special Edition now available on DVD at UFOTV, all rights reserved.

Atlantis – Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World

Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth’s oceans stunning evidence of Atlantis that pre-dates the last ice age. For more information on this topic we recomend the film #U663 Atlantis: Secret Star Mappers of A Lost World – 3 DVD Special Edition now available on DVD at UFOTV, all rights reserved. … “Forbidden Archeology” “Secret Science” “Ancient Mystery” Evolution Man Suppressed Controversy “Michael Cremo” “Richard Thompson” “David Childress” “Graham Hancock” …

Forbidden Archeology Secret Discoveries of Early Man

It’s Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing film that tackles the age-old question “Where did we come from? For more information on this topic, we recomend the film #U664 Mysterious Origins of Man – 3 DVD Special Edition now available on DVD at UFOTV, all rights reserved. … “Forbidden Archeology” “Secret Science” “Ancient Mystery” Evolution Man Suppressed Controversy “Michael Cremo” “Richard Thompson”