Before we can find a phantom galaxy, we must know what a phantom galaxy is, and in order to do that, it’s important to know how the James Webb telescope works. More specifically, how the James Webb telescope works better than any other telescope in capturing images of our universe. To begin, the James Webb telescope is the super-sized version of the Hubble. The Hubble is the size of a school bus. The James Webb is the size of a tennis court. Regardless of what your kind and reassuring partner says, size matters, and the James Webb is equipped with 21.3 feet of gold-hued mirrors that can collect more light than any other telescope, allowing it farther into the universe. The James Webb has six times the light collecting area of the Hubble and is 100 times more powerful…which really puts that dinky telescope you got for your 12th birthday to shame. Mirrors made by Midas himself aren’t the only thing that makes The Webb unique and more powerful than other telescopes. The incredible infrared ability makes The Webb the star of the sky. The reason we haven’t seen the epoch of a galaxy formation until now is that as ancient starlight travels through the fabric of space it becomes stretched. Ultraviolet and visible light from the farthest stars is stretched 20-times-longer wavelengths on the way here becoming infrared radiation. You know, it’s like when you blow a bubble and it expands so much that it becomes infrared radiation and then you’ve got a bunch of infrared radiation in your mouth and it tastes really bad.
Tag: secrets
Can Science Resurrect the Dead?
In 2011, a woman in Japan laid dead in a forest for four hours after taking too many pills. When her body was discovered, it was 30 degrees below normal body temperature, she was not breathing, she had no pulse, and all efforts to shock her back to life failed. However, 6 hours later, her heart… began to beat again. The woman’s recovery is not a miracle, but a breakthrough in our understanding of how the line of what it means to be dead is getting blurred. Long are the days of berry picking in an open field and then the next thing you know you’re making your way through a tiger’s intestines. Scientists now have a better understanding of how we die, which is leading to innovations towards slowing down the rate that cells die. The cool temperature of the woods prevented the woman’s cells from breaking down as quickly as they would in a warmer environment, allowing her to lay dead for almost ten hours before doctors brought her back with an artificial lung and heart. Researchers are experimenting with new technology to bring back the dead. From current trials involving draining and replacing a patient’s blood, to developments in freezing brains for future hopes, and the largest ambition of harvesting a sun’s energy to bring back everyone who has ever lived, neuroscientists and tech companies are racing to put the Grim Reaper out of business.
Why Does the Moon Affect Human Behavior?
not gone unquestioned. Later studies have failed to find correlations between the moon and our health. An research on “lunar-lunacy” published in 1985 concluded that there was no correlation between the Moon and incidents such as crime, suicides, and mental hospital admissions. A 1988 published paper criticizes hypotheses on a “lunar-effect” in association to the human condition, by concluding that none are efficient enough to explain the alleged effects of the moon and a human’s well being. Stating a lack of satisfactory mechanisms, a reliable connection between lunar periodicity and human behavior, and generally negative results obtained in other studies.
Why Are Near Death Experiences So Similar?
In 1977 a migrant worker known as Maria went into a cardiac arrest in a Seattle hospital. While the doctors were resuscitating her, Maria found herself floating outside the hospital where she saw tennis shoes on a third-floor window ledge. Once recovered, Maria spoke about her experience with a social worker and went into detail about the shoes. The social worker then went to the window that Maria indicated and not only found the shoes but claimed that from where they were placed there was no way Maria would have been able to know that they were there and describe how they looked from her room.
Something Baffling Scientists is Hidden Beyond the Edge of Our Universe
According to Paul M. Sutter….remember the astrophysicist who can’t smell colors… Cosmologists aren’t sure if the universe is infinitely big or just extremely large. Sutter claims that if the universe is infinite in size, then there can be nothing outside of it, as it encompasses all . However, Sutten continues to claim the Universe is only so old and light only travels so fast, that there is an outside to our observable patch. This area between what we can and can not see is called the “surface of last scattering” which is like a uniform sphere of fog which the first-ever photons of cosmic microwave background radiation came from. The surface of the last scattering is like the edge of what we call the observable universe as it is the farthest point in space and farthest point in time that we can observe, what lies beyond that is the “opaque Universe” To measure what is our observable universe, scientists look at its curvature. If the universe was perfectly geometrically flat, then the Universe could be infinite and what lies in the opaque could just be more stars and galaxies. Not to discredit stars and galaxies, I mean look at these A+ swirls. Our current measurements of the curvature of the universe indicate that it is almost perfectly flat, but the subtlety of curvature indicates that the universe would have a finite volume.