How To Find A Wormhole

Bonus Videos, “The Nature of Itself,” & “Chemicals of Reality,”
Premium Videos Available @

Narrated by Jack Daniel

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The “Nature of Itself Trailer” Background Music:
Seven Lions, Tritonal, Kill the Noise – Horizon (feat. HALIENE)

Wormholes…as they allow humans and their spaceships to travel vast distances across the universe in a matter of minutes. In the time it takes for a single plot point to develop, fictional beings can hop from star to star, from galaxy to galaxy, skipping light years of voidal nothingness in the process. But what is the truth about wormholes? Are they entirely fictional, or might they really exist? And if these time-bending objects are out there, how might we go about discovering them?

Uoaei1, “See Ost”, Changes Made [Licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (],
Uoaei1, “See Ost”, Changes Made [Licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (],
Uoaei1, “See Ost”, Changes Made [Licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (],

Released by Enhanced

Get Horizon Now:

Music provided by Monstercat:
Aleyum – Gazing At Space

Music provided by Monstercat:
Shingo Nakamura – Commence

Music provided by Monstercat:
Aleyum – Gazing At Space

What Made a Star Dissappear for 200 Days..and Then Suddenly Return?

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0:00 – Intro
01:11 – Sponsorship
02:24 – Rest of Video

Enter an enormous star called VVV-WIT that is located closer to the center of The Milky Way, about 25 million light-years away from Planet Earth? Scientists have identified that its brightness is dimming down to about 3.3% of its maximum luster for several months before gradually returning to its previous luminosity. Yeah, this wasn’t just a momentary disappearance. This was a 200 day-long event that had scientists scratching their heads and blinking furiously in their own right. Why has VVV-WIT been disappearing on us and acting like an overworked husband when his young secretary is in town ? What out there is so large and enigmatically powerful that it almost completely blot out a star that is almost 100 times larger than our Sun?

This video has been sponsored by Keeps.

Music provided by Monstercat:
Aleyum – Gazing At Space

Thomas Vanz – Novae
License Under CC 3.0
Only Modifications Include Using Snippets of Full Material as well as changes in speed

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA/Swift/N. Degenaar (Univ. of Michigan)
(Image of Disc in Front of Star)
Amanda Smith, University of Cambridge.

Tachyons: Faster Than Light Particles

Bonus Videos, “The Nature of Itself,” & “Chemicals of Reality,”
Premium Videos Available @

Narrated by Jack Daniel

It is often said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. The universal speed limit is 299,792,458 metres or 300,000 kilometres per second, and due to the rules the flying spaghetti monster imposed upon the universe during its creation, this limit cannot be broken. Or can it? Theoretical physics describes a type of particle which may be able to break the light barrier. It can also reportedly travel through time, it gets faster as it loses energy and it possesses has negative mass. So does this mysterious particle really exist?

The “Nature of Itself Trailer” Background Music:
Seven Lions, Tritonal, Kill the Noise – Horizon (feat. HALIENE)

Released by Enhanced

Get Horizon Now:


Ehrlich, Robert. 2015. “Six Observations Consistent with the Electron Neutrino Being a m2=-0.11±0.02eV2 Tachyon.” Astroparticle Physics 66 (June): 11–17.

Fried, H. M., and Y. Gabellini. 2016. “The Birth and Death of a Universe.” The European Physical Journal C 76 (12): 709.

Grøn, Øyvind, and Sigbjorn Hervik. 2007. Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity: With Modern Applications in Cosmology. Springer Science & Business Media.

Makukov, Maxim A., Eduard G. Mychelkin, and Vladimir L. Saveliev. 2016. “On Possible Tachyonic State of Neutrino Dark Matter.” International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 41 (January): 1660133.

Mychelkin, Eduard G., and Maxim A. Makukov. 2017. “Tachyonic Approach to Neutrino Dark Matter.” In The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2591–96. WORLD SCIENTIFIC.

Recami, E. 2009. “The Tolman-Regge Antitelephone Paradox: Its Solution by Tachyon Mechanics.” Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics.

Spencer, Joseph Andrew, and James T. Wheeler. 2008. “The Existence of Time.” arXiv [gr-Qc]. arXiv.

Amazing Discoveries The News Wont Report

Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @

Narrated by Jack Daniel
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

…ng up the majority of most news bulletins, it’s no surprise that many major scientific developments end up ignored by the mainstream media. So in this video we’re going to cover a few recent developments you may have missed, and in doing so we’ll shift from cryosleep to murdersleep via the sixth moon of Saturn. Buckle up folks, it’s gonna be a weird and wild ride

NASA Discovers The BIGGEST Explosion in the Universe

NASA Discovers The BIGGEST Explosion in the Universe

Scientists at NASA just discovered the biggest explosion in the history of the Universe that we can see. It’s big enough to fit 15 milky way galaxies inside. It erupted from a black hole in a galaxy hundreds of millions of light years away.

Astronomers figured it out by using X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton. They also collected radio data from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) 1in Australia and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India.

The humdinger of an explosion that is the subject of this video occurred in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster that lies about 390 million light years away. In case you’re not sure, galaxy clusters are the biggest structure in the mind bending thing we call ‘The Universe. They contain thousands of galaxies, dark matter and hot gas. Think of it like some melting pot of a city like New York but in Universal terms. It’s one of those place where whatever exists out there, you’re gonna to find it in one of these clusters.

Big Supernova
Thomas Vanz
License Under CC 3.0

Music provided by Monstercat:
Shingo Nakamura – Commence

Galaxy Cluster Image:
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Hubble image courtesy of NASA/STScI
Spitzer image courtesy of JPL/CalTech
Chandra image courtesy of NASA/CXC/University of Missouri-Kansas City/M.Brodwin et al

X-ray: Chandra: NASA/CXC/NRL/S. Giacintucci, et al., XMM: ESA/XMM; Radio: NCRA/TIFR/GMRT; Infrared: 2MASS/UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF

Centaurus A Galaxy Explosion
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Radio telescope image of jets courtesy of NASA/TANAMI/Müller et al.
Visible light image courtesy of Capella Observatory
Optical/radio/visible image courtesy of Capella Observatory with radio data from Ilana Feain, Tim Cornwell, and Ron Ekers (CSIRO/ATNF), R. Morganti (ASTRON) and N. Junkes (MPIfR)