True Stories That Were LIES

How many tales have you been told which you took as the truth…
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Narrated by Jack Daniel

…only to later find out that you had been deceived?
In 2015 Rachel Dolezal resigned as President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People after it was revealed she had been pretending to be black. In 1938 the CBS Radio Network broadcast a radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds, a sci-fi novel by H.G. Wells which told of a Martian invasion of Planet Earth. The Amityville Horror franchise began with Jay Anson’s original 1977 story of the Lutz Family, which tells how George and Kathy Lutz moved into a house in Amityville, Long Island, only to be driven out by twenty-eight days of paranormal terrors. As a boy, George Washington was apparently so honest that he could not bring himself to tell an untruth, no matter how inconsequential it was.James Frey was an addict who lived a life of violent crime and constant tragedy.It’s only a matter of time before the Flat Earthers get bored and decide that they no longer believe in gravity. In 1983, German magazine Stern published excerpts from 60 volumes of diaries found in the wreckage of a plane downed near Dresden, which was reportedly carrying the personal effects of a certain Austrian man – a man whose name Youtube won’t let us say.No, say it ain’t so. All those times I felt the rhythm, felt the ride and geared on up for bobsleigh time were based on nothing but lies?

The Mysteries of the Dark Ages

Since the dawn of history, Europe has been home to some of the….
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Narrated by Jack Daniel

most advanced civilizations in the world. But suddenly, out of nowhere, the advancement of the European people stopped dead in its tracks. The Dark Ages originally referred to a period of Western European history spanning from the decline of the Roman Empire through to the Renaissance of the 14th Century. With Dark Age Europe mostly consisting of illiterate people scrabbling around for food trying to hide from the plague, it’s perhaps no surprise that few records from this time were kept. While the follies of men played a major role in causing the Dark Ages to occur, Mother Nature certainly didn’t help matters with her own intervention.

1,000-Year-Old Gold MUMMIFIED Monk STILL Has HEALTHY Bones & COMPLETE Brain

Master Ci Xian, a 1,000-year-old golden mummified monk from Dinghui Temple in Wuhan underwent a CT Scan. Researchers were amazed to find his organs and bones still healthy and still had a complete brain.

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How Old Is Humanity, REALLY?

Working out the age of humanity isn’t as easy as checking our…
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @

Narration by Jack Daniels

At end of video, trailer Narration by Ben Patrick Johnson, acclaimed narrator, novelist and human rights activist. @benpatrick90069 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

…birth certificate and counting candles on a cake. First, we must define what humanity even is. Recorded human history only goes back around 5,300 years, because this is when our ancestors first began to use writing systems to document what was going on. Earth’s last glacial period, also known as the Ice Age, lasted from 110,000 years ago to about 11,700 years ago.When did humans first leave Africa to explore the planet? 200,000 years ago? 300,000 years ago? Wrong. Try two million years ago.

The Paradoxes Of Time Travel

If one day we discover that travelling through time is as easy as….
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @

Narration by Ben Patrick Johnson, acclaimed narrator, novelist and human rights activist.
@benpatrick90069 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

…moving left and right, forwards and backwards or up and down,
then what ramifications would this have for our temporal existence? The most commonly cited paradox involving time travel describes how you could erase yourself from existence by going back and killing your own grandfather.If you successfully managed to travel back through time, would you even know what you’d done?

The Bootstrap Paradox describes a situation where a single object or piece of information is sent back in time, only to become trapped in an infinite loop of cause and effect.One thing we’ve not yet discussed about time travel paradoxes is the existence of the multiverse.