7 REAL LIFE Gates to HELL You Can ACTUALLY Travel to

Hell, according to many religions, is a place we go in our afterlives to pay for our sins. But what if you could actually travel there and visit and could there be a direct entrance to hell from …earth? here are 7 possibilities. Check out our newly launched channel, TheFriendlyBrain! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCej0R6lIQ22s2GRUo0czs_Q

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~Send stuff at our PO Box!
Mike Chen
PO Box 610 Middletown, NY 10940

Crypto by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: https://incompetech.com/wordpress/2016/02/crypto/
Artist: http://incompetech.com/


Why Are There Parallel Universes?

The idea of there being an infinite number of parallel universes is Bonus Video @Patreon http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

hard to imagine, not least because it means that everything that can happen will happen, and is also happening right now on another level of the multiverse. But this is just sci-fi fantasy isn’t it? The Many-Worlds theory was created in 1954 by Princeton University doctoral candidate Hugh Everett the Third.String Theory tells us that all matter and all forces have strings which dangle down to a level below the quantum level. The cold spot refers to a region of space in the radiation left over from our universe’s formation which is noticeably cooler than anywhere else.

Humans ACCIDENTALLY Created Protective FORCE FIELD Around Earth & It’s AWESOME

Today we bring you two huge pieces of news from the past week: humans accidentally making a protective barrier on earth and an ‘alien megastructure star’ KIC 8462852 acting all…bizarre again.

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Snapchat: Mikeychenx
Periscope: Mikexingchen

~Send stuff at our PO Box!
Mike Chen
PO Box 610 Middletown, NY 10940


The Missing Pieces of Humanity’s Past

Ever since Homo sapiens made their African debut 200,000…
Bonus Video @Patreon http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

years ago mankind has made some astonishing progress and experienced some incredible events. We’ve developed writing, we’ve formed cities, we’ve come to understand our bodies, and we’ve even shot ourselves into space. But isn’t it strange that most of this progression has occurred in the last 10,000 years?

This pie chart displays the world’s language families by percentage of speakers today. As you can see, Indo-European takes the largest share, and the tree for this language family shows why. What we understand as human history only came to begin in 3,200 BC when writing was invented by the Sumerians, as this allowed us to document the wars we’ve fought, the art we’ve created and the neato swear-words we’ve come to invent.This is the Bosnian Pyramid, and carbon dating shows that it if it was constructed by humans, it may have been built over 25,000 years ago. There have been many archaeological discoveries that indicate we humans developed certain technologies earlier than we currently think; and while some of them seem to stretch the boundaries of credibility, others may actually point to the formation of civilised human settlements before human history was recorded.

Scientists Find ‘FIRST PROOF’ of a Parallel Universe!

The first evidence of the multiverse has supposedly been found in the past week. Scientists believe that the cold spots found in space could actually be colliding universes.

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Facebook Mike Fan Page: http://on.fb.me/1En9Lue
Instagram: http://instagr.am/Mikexingchen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mikexingchen
Snapchat: Mikeychenx
Periscope: Mikexingchen

~Send stuff at our PO Box!
Mike Chen
PO Box 610 Middletown, NY 10940