From the recent congressional UAP hearing.
Tag: secrets
“We are having multiple (UAP) mid air collisions” – US Navy Commander to Congress
From the recent congressional hearing about UAPs.
Investigating the Mysterious Line Connecting Ancient Structures
Come with me we try to determine why this myaterious line passes through so many ancient structures yet is equally represented in both hemispheres.
10 Ancient Sites Intersect 1 Straight Line that Circles the Earth Perfectly. Why?….
This is getting weird.
How Did the Universe Come from Nothing?
0:00 Intro
0:40 Part 1: The Eternal Universe
2:15 Part 2: Bang
3:10 Part 3: Remnants of the Past: CMB
4:07 Part 4: The Quantum Realm
5:25 Part 5: The Multiverse
6:40 Part 6: String Theory and Brane Worlds
8:47 Part 7: Infinite Cyclic Universes
9:24 Part 8: Dark Energy & The Big Rip
10:32 Part 9: The “Mathematical Universe”
11:14 Part 10: The Present Day
12:42 The Universe Came from What?
13:35 The Sameness & The Difference
We try to figure out how the universe came from nothing.
A very hard question to answer.