2/11 EndtimeWatchman! Take America Back! Coming Simulcast Pastor Manning Apr 16! April 9 2010

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com EndtimeWatchman Returns! TAKE AMERICA BACK Guest Solar Steve OFF THE GRID April 9 2010 SIMULCAST PASTOR MANNING Friday APRIL 16 Chuck Baldwin COMING SOON! Dr Nick Begis on HAARP soon PRAY FOR DOC IN WASHINGTON PRAY FOR BILLY KEEP HIM ALIVE PRAY FOR THE REMNANT Pray for my friend cp Lord heal him HOSTS DO NOT PROMOTE VIOLENCE SUPPORT BILLY WITH DONATIONS@ Billy PO Box 756 KILA, Montana 59920 Trapper and / or Billy will speak contact Trapper @ Trapper’s Cabin POBox 914 Marion MT 59925 flatheadlibertybell@yahoo.com NOW DAILY 3-5 CT 4-6 ET listen live on your phone or call in to talk – (347) 324-3704 you can also listen live online and join the chat —– blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio sign in at the top right. then when it’s time for the show, a ‘play/chat’ button will show up, click on that. FREEDOMIZER www.blogtalkradio.com endtimewatchman22@gmail.com support ETWs supporters disclaimer.. no income from sales Buy silver and metals John Stokes stokes@z600.com get free DVDs to wake people up from Robin www.dvdsareus.com 406 885 1003 SOS Survive on Silver www.surviveonsilver.com

9/11 EndtimeWatchman! Take America Back! Coming Simulcast Pastor Manning Apr 16! April 9 2010

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com EndtimeWatchman Returns! TAKE AMERICA BACK Guest Solar Steve OFF THE GRID April 9 2010 SIMULCAST PASTOR MANNING Friday APRIL 16 Chuck Baldwin COMING SOON! Dr Nick Begis on HAARP soon PRAY FOR DOC IN WASHINGTON PRAY FOR BILLY KEEP HIM ALIVE PRAY FOR THE REMNANT Pray for my friend cp Lord heal him HOSTS DO NOT PROMOTE VIOLENCE SUPPORT BILLY WITH DONATIONS@ Billy PO Box 756 KILA, Montana 59920 Trapper and / or Billy will speak contact Trapper @ Trapper’s Cabin POBox 914 Marion MT 59925 flatheadlibertybell@yahoo.com NOW DAILY 3-5 CT 4-6 ET listen live on your phone or call in to talk – (347) 324-3704 you can also listen live online and join the chat —– blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio sign in at the top right. then when it’s time for the show, a ‘play/chat’ button will show up, click on that. FREEDOMIZER www.blogtalkradio.com endtimewatchman22@gmail.com support ETWs supporters disclaimer.. no income from sales Buy silver and metals John Stokes stokes@z600.com get free DVDs to wake people up from Robin www.dvdsareus.com 406 885 1003 SOS Survive on Silver www.surviveonsilver.com

EndtimeWatchman! Dont Tread on Me !!Pastor Manning THIS Week!! Mar 30 2010 8/11

playlist www.youtube.com EndtimeWatchman Returns! Dont Tread on Me March 30 2010 PASTOR MANNING ON WITH BILLY THIS WEEK!!!!! HIL BILL KALISPELL MT THIS WEEK! SUPPORT BILLY WITH DONATIONS@ Billy PO Box 756 KILA, Montana 59920 Trapper and / or Billy will speak contact Trapper @ Trapper’s Cabin POBox 914 Marion MT 59925 flatheadlibertybell@yahoo.com NOW DAILY 3-5 CT 4-6 ET listen live on your phone or call in to talk – (347) 324-3704 you can also listen live online and join the chat —– blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio sign in at the top right. then when it’s time for the show, a ‘play/chat’ button will show up, click on that. FREEDOMIZER www.blogtalkradio.com endtimewatchman22@gmail.com support ETWs supporters disclaimer.. no income from sales Buy silver and metals John Stokes stokes@z600.com get free DVDs to wake people up from Robin www.dvdsareus.com 406 885 1003 SOS Survive on Silver www.surviveonsilver.com

Charlie Daniels: You Wanna Do Gun Control, Start with The DOJ!

On this Friday, July 20, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the shooting in Colorado and breaks down how it will be used to push through ratification of the United Nations’ gun-grabber treaty in the Senate and also manufacture anti-Second Amendment hysteria in the corporate media. Alex also welcomes back to the show country and southern rock music legend Charlie Daniels. Earlier this month, Daniels went on record stating that the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty will be used to register and ultimately confiscate all privately owned firearms. “If the Senate ratifies this treaty you can say goodbye to private ownership of firearms because an international treaty supersedes sovereignty and America will be bound by it’s provisions and disarming America will strike a major blow for global government,” Charlie wrote on July 18. www.charliedaniels.com BEHOLD A PALE HORSE-DVD www.infowarsshop.com Behold A Pale Horse: America’s Last Chance, starring country music legend Charlie Daniels, is a film about looming world government, a global elite, the United Nations and American sovereignty. The light of our “shining city on the hill” dims. Discussing an America that is under judgement, patriots from across America join Charlie Daniels in a primer on The New World Order and Biblical perspective. A global feudal police state is unfolding. Be a part of the solution. Your freedom depends on it. We were born for such a time as this. Your Price: $19.95 ‘on sale’ www.infowars.com www

EndtimeWatchman! Bible Thumping! April 1 2010 p1/11

playlist www.youtube.com EndtimeWatchman Returns! Bible Thumping!April 2 2010 PASTOR MANNING MONDAY APR 5 RANDY WEAVER TUESDAY APR 6 DR DONALD BEAN on Chemtrails! WED APR 7 SUPPORT BILLY WITH DONATIONS@ Billy PO Box 756 KILA, Montana 59920 Trapper and / or Billy will speak contact Trapper @ Trapper’s Cabin POBox 914 Marion MT 59925 flatheadlibertybell@yahoo.com NOW DAILY 3-5 CT 4-6 ET listen live on your phone or call in to talk – (347) 324-3704 you can also listen live online and join the chat —– blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio sign in at the top right. then when it’s time for the show, a ‘play/chat’ button will show up, click on that. FREEDOMIZER www.blogtalkradio.com endtimewatchman22@gmail.com support ETWs supporters disclaimer.. no income from sales Buy silver and metals John Stokes stokes@z600.com get free DVDs to wake people up from Robin www.dvdsareus.com 406 885 1003 SOS Survive on Silver www.surviveonsilver.com