
Esoteric Adventures takes you through our nation’s most esoteric and unexplained monuments of America and explores the occult agenda of secret societies controlling civilization. This adventure features Nashville’s Parthenon, Temple to Mars. and the enigmatic Bicentennial Capital Mall.


This video examines and reveals various secrets held by the highest ranking members of the world’s secret society networks including the freemasonic “illuminati” or “enlightened ones”. Symbology has a very high emphasis among such groups as they respect and understand the power they hold in affecting the world around us. The American dollar bill is packed full of occultic significance all of which is explained such as the language used, the pyramid, the all seeing eye, the numerology and the owl of moloch. The Bohemian Grove is also briefly discussed given the connection it has with the very same pagan deity being worshipped by some of the world’s leading and most powerful politicians, industrialists and media moguls. Excerpts were taken from a lecture given by researcher and historian Jordan Maxwell.

Occult Secrets Revealed

, industrialists and media moguls. Excerpts were taken from a lecture given by researcher and historian Jordan Maxwell. … Occult Illuminati “New World Order” Freemasons “Bohemian Grove” Pyramid “All Seeing Eye” Lucifer Satan Pagan Moloch “George Bush” “Skull and Bones” “Secret Societies” NWO Subliminal Egyptian Mystery Religion Sigil Magic Magick Demons Corporations Politicians Symbolism Witchcraft MK-Ultra Anti-Christ Esoteric Kabbalah Conspiracy “Alex Jones” “Texe Mars” “Jordan Maxwell” …

Esoteric Adventures in Nashville

Esoteric Adventures takes you through our nation’s most esoteric and unexplained monuments of America and explores the occult agenda of secret societies controlling civilization. This adventure features Nashville’s Parthenon, Temple to Mars. and the enigmatic Bicentennial Capital Mall. … “Freeman Perspective” freemantv Freemasonry “Bicentennial Mall” Nashville Magic seal Solomon sorcery goddess Parthenon Mars hermaphrodite sigil “New World Order” nation capital frequency device …