Cities on MARS revealed

NASA / ESA coverup. Evidence of cities on Mars. What ESA and NASA are hiding from you.

How to reveal the CITIES ON MARS-2 — THE TRUTH

In this movie I will explain how you can reveal the cities and structures on Mars. There are many cities on Mars and I promise you that they are REAL !! With a simple color modification method you can reveal what is really vissible on the ESA images of Mars. Take a look and see for yourself. I get many questions and remarks about this being the result of jpeg compression artifacts. When zoomed in on a detail in a jpeg image it is known that you will see rectangular shapes caused by the compression algorithms. These image compression distortions are only visible when : 1 JPEG files are used (or a similar compression type) 2 Very low resolution jpeg images are used 3 Highly zoomed in on a jpeg image detail. The images that are shown here are: 1 High resolution TIFF images. They are not compressed like JPEG images. 2 Not zoomed in at all. Structures are appearing without the need of zooming in on certain areas in the images. ps. And ..No will not see the same results when you apply this technique on any images of earth.


This is the very first vid I ever saw of Jordan Maxwell. It was a great night. Well, I hope you guys learn about as much as I did on this vid. For anyone just starting into the occult and secret societies, this is a pretty good starting vid. SO, to let you know its kinda long, 11 or 12 parts. So take your time with it. Watch 2 or 3 parts at a time. But yeah, this is the first Jordan Maxwell vid I ever saw and though I disagree with him on some other things I still feel that this needs to be seen by all. ————————————— Originally posted by:djbjam and gamerofall ————————————— basic slideshow presentation with jordan maxwell presenting his views and beliefs. really classic, this guy has been studying and digging for the real truth for over 40 some years!! this vid is from back in the day when i was just a meer sheep.. lol ————————————— PLEASE CLICK ON THE VIDEO RESPONSES TO VIEW THE NEXT PARTS!! If you thought this was interesting please rate, comment, share to your friends, and subscribe. I just lost my entire stock of vids this weekend so check my intro vid on my channel to see what will be coming back. If you want me to share to you a vid AS SOON AS I POST IT, then send me a friend request.


This is the very first vid I ever saw of Jordan Maxwell. It was a great night. Well, I hope you guys learn about as much as I did on this vid. For anyone just starting into the occult and secret societies, this is a pretty good starting vid. SO, to let you know its kinda long, 11 or 12 parts. So take your time with it. Watch 2 or 3 parts at a time. But yeah, this is the first Jordan Maxwell vid I ever saw and though I disagree with him on some other things I still feel that this needs to be …