System vs Synchronicity – FreemanTV – You Chose To Be Here

Please give a ‘Thumbs up’! Video credit: Freemantv | January 09, 2011 Release Victim Consciousness – Give Up Everything To Gain The World, Money, Debt, Fiat Currency, Power, Written Word, Templar, Spell, Gilgamesh, Babylon, Culture Creation, Eugenics, Technocracy, Life without Money, Traveling Trade, Time is Money, Victim Mentality, Awakening, New World Order vs.Synchronicity, Cycles of Grief, Dark Hero, Art of Positive Thinking, Method, Solution, Perma-Culture, Miraculous Living Learning to ‘Live Free’ comes from experience and personal growth … Lets break our conditioning!


PART 1 – see this them NOW first this video ¿ ok? David Icke marks his 20th year of uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with this eight-hour presentation before 2500 people at London’s Brixton Academy in May 2010. He takes the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave. David has moved the global cutting edge so many times since his incredible ‘awakening’ in 1990 and here he does it again – and then some. His most staggering revelation is that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct — a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out ‘planetoid’) — which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons. This is eight hours that will change your thinking, your perception of self and the world, and thus your life. The Lion Sleeps No More! To order please go to: – David Icke at Brixton Academy 2010 – The Lion Sleeps No More – New 4 disk DVD set available

David Icke Lions Sleeps No More HD Trailer ~credits video Camp FEMA: American Lockdown (Full Length • HD): David Icke marks his 20th year of uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with this eight-hour presentation before 2500 people at London’s Brixton Academy in May 2010. He takes the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave. David has moved the global cutting edge so many times since his incredible ‘awakening’ in 1990 and here he does it again – and then some. His most staggering revelation is that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct — a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out ‘planetoid’) — which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons. This is eight hours that will change your thinking, your perception of self and the world, and thus your life. The Lion Sleeps No More! To order please go to: – David Icke at Brixton Academy 2010 – The Lion Sleeps No More – New 4 disk DVD set available academy brixton THE Lion sleeps no more dvd hd davidicke cveich filmed at the may 15th 2010 david icke londo truth history study see videos all book


A repost from David Ickes Official YouTube Channel It is 20 years since David consciously began his incredible journey – and there’s such a long way still to go. Short documentary taken from The Lion Sleeps No More box-set – available at david icke conspiracy author speaker still crazy after all these years official channel illuminati new world order freemason babylon bloodline reptilians big brother government pharma oil ufos science religion terry wogan interview now and then bilderburg tri lateral imf rothschild zionism 9/11 flu vaccine truth bush iraq afghanistan war politics manipulation mind control problem reaction solution

System vs.Synchronicity – FreemanTV – You Chose To Be Here Release Victim Consciousness – Give Up Everything To Gain The World, Money, Debt, Fiat Currency, Power, Written Word, Templar, Spell, Gilgamesh, Babylon, Culture Creation, Eugenics, Technocracy, Life without Money, Traveling Trade, Time is Money, Victim Mentality, Awakening, New World Order vs.Synchronicity, Cycles of Grief, Dark Hero, Art of Positive Thinking, Method, Solution, Perma-Culture, Miraculous Living