The Jimmy Jones Overture

The Jimmy Jones Band …a story of many stories, music of much music. … the coolest kid jimmy jones band overture introduction musical composition opera rock roll elvis presley punk counter culture poopy pies big titties swinging moist vagina beethoven frank zappa mozart bob dylan jesus enlightenment alan watts atman self universe brahma siddhartha buddha zen nirvana death nothingness your soul spirit wolves snow all knowing of nothing to be known …

Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.7

creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …

Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.2

creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …