creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …
Tag: soul
Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.1
creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …
Shinyribs – All Good Cafe, Deep Ellum, TX
Live in Dallas
The Fresh Side Of Miami Bass & Freestyle 3 [2009]
Prince – Panic Zone Ino J – All I want Soulja Boys & Lil Jon – Crank Dat Egyptian Lover – Egypt Egypt Hashim – Al-Naafiysh (Cash Money Scratch) AC/DC – Shock me all Night long Cheryl Lynn – Got to be real Johnny Z – Shake Shake Frauenarzt & Mr. Long, DJ Reckless B. Infinite – Level 4 Tag Team – Whoop, there it is! LA Dream Team – Ladies and Gentleman Ozone Layer – Planetary Detereoration Tiga Zyntherius – Sunglasses at Night Rick West – Inside your Soul Timmy T. – Time after Time Dino – Summer …
Everything Is Energy
can see. What is the dark matter that makes up the rest of the universe? How can we find out? Though we understand many important properties of the fundamental building blocks of our universe, there are untold mysteries still to solve. Advances in technology allow physicists to build more powerful and sophisticated instruments to look deeper and deeper inside matter. Like adventurers entering unknown territory, physicists forge ahead into ever smaller dimensions. What will be their next …