Charlie Daniels: You Wanna Do Gun Control, Start with The DOJ!

On this Friday, July 20, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the shooting in Colorado and breaks down how it will be used to push through ratification of the United Nations’ gun-grabber treaty in the Senate and also manufacture anti-Second Amendment hysteria in the corporate media. Alex also welcomes back to the show country and southern rock music legend Charlie Daniels. Earlier this month, Daniels went on record stating that the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty will be used to register and ultimately confiscate all privately owned firearms. “If the Senate ratifies this treaty you can say goodbye to private ownership of firearms because an international treaty supersedes sovereignty and America will be bound by it’s provisions and disarming America will strike a major blow for global government,” Charlie wrote on July 18. BEHOLD A PALE HORSE-DVD Behold A Pale Horse: America’s Last Chance, starring country music legend Charlie Daniels, is a film about looming world government, a global elite, the United Nations and American sovereignty. The light of our “shining city on the hill” dims. Discussing an America that is under judgement, patriots from across America join Charlie Daniels in a primer on The New World Order and Biblical perspective. A global feudal police state is unfolding. Be a part of the solution. Your freedom depends on it. We were born for such a time as this. Your Price: $19.95 ‘on sale’ www

July4patriot Tells All In Case He Is Murdered

1st of a series of video logs to explain in intricate detail, every aspect of my current cases, past case, and corruption of several government agencies. In the case of my death or incarceration, they will be expanded upon substantially. Original video: Keywords: 2nd American Revolution Second American Revolution Patriot Rebellion Rogue Nation Eternal Militias 1776 New World Order Alex Jones Patriots Land of the free American Militia Resistance Movement ARM Defenders The Constitution RevolutionPatriot Rebellion Rogue Nation Eternal Militias 1776 New World Order Alex Jones Patriots Homegrown Right wingLand of the free American Militia Resistance Movement ARM Defenders The Constitution Revolution Patriot Rebellion Rogue Nation Eternal Militias 1776 New World Order Alex Jones Patriots Homegrown Right wing American Militia Movement, ARM, Alex Jones, New World Order, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones, Bush, 911 Conspiracy, The Civilians Military, Militia, American Resistance Movement, Revolt, Bilderberg, CFR, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Loose Change, End Game, Terrorstorm, Patriot Act, HR 1955, 911 was an inside job, truth, iraq war, black water, free masons, Ron Paul, New World Order carbon tax CO2 Global Warming is a fearmongering scam. The sun is getting hotter. Alex Jones is just one source. Police State is just making some X-military clones. MK Ultra mind control. Income. John F. Kennedy or JFK CIA FBI international bankers Rothschild David Rockefeller

Coast to Coast am – Alex Jones Pt1

From Alternative media activist Alex Jones and author Jerome Corsi will discuss steps some states are taking to preserve sovereignty and personal freedoms which include gun ownership, gold & silver ownership, & home schooling. For more information on states rights and martial law, check out the Infowars Resource pages: Jones suggested the union was already gone and that America has been sold out to foreign banks. States have the right to dissolve the …