On June 24, 2011 at 11am PDT… TICKETS ON SALE NOW projectcamelot.tv Come and see Richard C Hoagland speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September 2011. http This is a Project Camelot Roundtable Conference: Richard Hoagland has some very crucial information that has come in and as a result, he will need the extra time to prepare his data for presentation to the group and our audience. This is something you are going to want to be part of…We are talking about events that will be happening in the fall that are paradigm changing for humanity. The speakers involved in this conference are each bringing an important piece of the puzzle. All of the data on what is coming is not in, but the evidence brought forward will be discussed in depth to consider all of the possibilities… This is a developing story… I can’t urge you enough to join us in this investigation… June 24th at 11 AM PDT.