We Could Have Had It All dance

Adele The other main dance channel: www.youtube.com for more new uploaded dance videos The Dance: Improvisational, spontaneous, informal, interpretive, freestyle dancing. Impromptu Having Fun! Painting : Temporary Painting, 48″ x48″ acrylic on canvas www.dianacampanella.com

Touch Me All Night Long dance 2 (HD)

Cathy Dennis!!!!!!!! …………………………………….. Improvisational, spontaneous, informal, interpretive, freestyle dancing. Painting : ‘Outside’s In’ 48″ x 60″ acrylic on canvas www.dianacampanella.com

All She Wants To Do Is Dance -dance 2 (HD)

Don Henley!!!!!!!!!!! ………………. Improvisational, spontaneous, informal, interpretive, freestyle dancing. Painting 2010: Untitled, 60″x 48″ acrylic on canvas www.dianacampanella.com