Extraordinary Year – Feb. 15, 2012.mp4

Extraordinary Year airs LIVE 10:30pm CST Wednesdays. blogtalkradio.com This episode: The saga of former Navy Seal Bill Brockbrader continues! We will discuss his more spiritual conversation with Aussie guru Lisa M Harrison. Also, what’s in a name? A look at a secret message in the Einstein appellative. Plus, John Lear reports back that he is indeed NOT on a space ship. And, did Francis Crick – who won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” the structure of DNA – really believe the DNA molecule was seeded by extraterrestrials? These and more, plus your questions and comments on air! …………………………………………………… Links: Bill Wood interview with Lisa Harrison: www.youtube.com John Lear contradicts account: the2012scenario.com Scientists confirm extraterrestrial origins for human DNA the2012scenario.com Thrive Movie www.thrivemovement.com Adventure Time www.youtube.com