David Stockman Says US Can’t Afford Tax-Cut Extension: Video

Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) — David Stockman, US budget director in the Reagan administration, and James Galbraith, a professor at the University of Texas, discuss the proposal by President Obama’s debt-reduction commission, the country’s tax policy and the Treasury market. They talk with Peter Coy, Matt Miller and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Stockman Describes Obama Budget Plan as a `Cop Out’

Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) — David Stockman, who served as budget director in the Reagan administration, talks about President Barack Obama’s $3.7 trillion budget proposal. The spending plan projects the federal deficit will exceed $1 trillion for the fourth consecutive year in 2012 before falling to more “sustainable” levels by the middle of the decade. Stockman speaks with Matt Miller and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)