The Power of Music – Interview Vighnesh M. Peters Vighnesh Maharaj Peters talks about the power of music and his own musical projects. (Nederlands ondervertaald) Transcript Vighnesh Maharaj Peters from Vighnesh Maharaj Productions. Here you will find some nice music pieces that I have made. Maybe you should ask yourself what is music? Music is created by using sounds, frequencies, vibrations it is actually energy. Music goes through you. Music that you hear that is just a little part. That’s a frequencies range between 20 and 20.000 Hz. So you can imagine there are so many different frequencies and vibrations out there which is just really going through your body. So when you feel your heart you can feel it vibrate. Music is amazing it takes you to another level. You can’t describe it. It is like an emotion. It’s something you can’t hold in your hands. You can’t feel it you can’t see it. It’s in the air and it flies around you know you could say it travels by air. So music is for me a mystery its is actually a mystery that you mold that you shape into something. I also love music because when you create music. If I press a button or if I just hit a drum you get direct feedback, when I was around 4 I started playing drums. Different kinds of drums. During my stay in India I got lessons in traditional drums by old masters. That’s how my interest for music started. You know grown up in two different worlds I have this way of looking at things in a philosophical way and an very technical way through the western

Chopra, Michael Jackson’s spiritual teacher Interview (Sub. Italiano)

Deepak Chopra il maestro spirituale di Michael Jackson dice che il verdetto contro Murray è giusto e denuncia i medici Americani compiacenti che sembrano degli spacciatori di medicine, peggio degli spacciatori di droga per le strade.