July 21 (Bloomberg) — White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers talks with Bloomberg’s Julianna Goldman about the outlook for the US economy. (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)
Tag: Summers
Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take corrective action now
www.infowars.com Move towards global currency as US loses status, faces depression The United States as we know it has ended, Alex Jones warns, as the nation has lost credit rating with China, its Dollar reserve status ending as the country– saddled by debt and unable to fund programs– prepares to submit to IMF-style austerity measures. Sadly, the US can expect to see itself picked-off by the same predatory lending practices and control measures long imposed on vulnerable 3rd World countries throughout the globe. A financial coup d’etat has taken place over the past two years, and the global elite are moving to consolidate the pieces– accept where patriots have been strong enough to stand up and say no.