Superbowl Symbolism, Madonna MIA And Their Handlers

Truth You Can Wake Up To – 7th February 2012 Host Samuel William illuminates the illuminating work of the illuminati at this years superbowl half-time show. Skeptical? Madonna’s underpants have the answer.

Richard C. Hoagland June 2011 FEMA Announcement Flooding & Global Change The year 2012 will be marked by the near-Earth crossing of the Asteroid Eros, Superbowl XLVI, the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth, and the end of the Mayan Calendar. In this introduction to the 2006 Conference at the Joshua Tree Resort Center, Richard C. Hoagland explores the ramifications of what exactly the end of the Mayan Calendar entails. Is it the end of the world by Comet impact, as the Bible code suggests, or the beginning of a new period of time in human history?