Sexy Tattooed Girls Compilation Random Compilation of Sexy Tattooed Girls Mythos Art Show At All Or Nothing Tattoo, Atlanta From the November 2004 issue of Prick Magazine by Cory Gillispie MYTHOS. That was the name of the tattoo-based art show held at All or Nothing Tattoo and Art Gallery in Marietta, Georgia. The turn out was great, with art lovers both inside and out of the industry representing. They weren’t just there for the superb catering, either. Many shops brought their entire crew to be inspired by the work of their peers. Painting by Eric Merrill Painting by Scott Fieldhouse This well organized event featured a slew of professional tattooist’s concepts on paper and canvas from the likes of Joe Capobianco, Dan Henk, Eric Merrill, Samuel Parker and Jime Litwalk. Their show pieces were beautifully framed on the walls, although prints were also available in their raw state. Other pieces by artists such as Canman, Aaron Bell, Ron Earhart, Sarah Peacock, Jay Chastain, Dave Fox, Jamie Burness, Mike Belzel, DJ Minor, The Bishop, Phil Holt, Rodney Raines, Jason Blanton, Brandon Bond, Albie Rock, Jeremy Whitley, Phil Colvin, Dave Teddar, Kele Sparrowhawk, Sean Herman, Justin Kontzen, Joe Pasternik, Mike Eaton, Bill Conner, Hunter Spanks and Scott Sylvia were also on display, each one a testament to its creator’s skill. Painting by Joe Capobianco Painting by Joe Capobianco Painting by Dan Henk The party was wrapped up with

World Famous Artist Paul Booth and Birthday Cake Revenge CRAVE Magazine 2005 Article Crave: What is the name of the shop you work at? Brandon:I own All or Nothing Tattoo studio and art gallery in Atlanta GA usa Crave: Is it your own shop? Brandon:Yes it is the most fun place to work ever! we have a blast every day, we work long hours 7 days a week and do nothing but artwork every piece is collaborated and considered by us all, we review each individual tattoo together and ask eachothers advice, we are stronger together than apart. We tattoo many clinets who fly in from all over, we pick them up at the airport and shuttle them to a hotel, then tattoo them here at the studio and take them back to the airport. We offer large discounts to travvelers and enjoy working on people who are serious about getting tattooed. Crave: When did you get interested in tattoos? Brandon:I remember wanting tattoos as a child, I love music and when I was a kid all the rockstars had tattoos, so I wanted one too. I got a couple and they looked like s**t, so I though f*** that I can do it better than that, so I sought out an apprenticeship. The guy who started me out sucked too his work was crap and I had to unlearn a lot of bad habits. Crave: how was your childhood? Brandon:My childhood was amazing, I grew up on an island in Florida called Perdido Key. The front yard was the Gulf of Mexico and I was raised by two of the