The best quotes from people such as Terence Mckenna Albert Einstein Abe Lincoln Jimi Hendrix Mohandas Gandhi CJ Keyser Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin Giordano Bruno Arthur Schopenhauer and More! Song is “Force of Nature” by Nujabes Many of these pictures were taken by me.
Tag: terence
Tuning Into 2012 (Retuned)
What everybodys talking about… the prophecised end of history and a new age COMING SOON. As ‘everything’, compiled from many sources. Thanks to all. Re-edited after original version muted for useage of one of these sources – short snippet of Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A Changing ironically enough. … 2012 apocalypse life death illusion future bill hicks terence mckenna robert anton wilson david icke michael tsarion all change
Timewave Zero (Terence McKenna) 3/3
Check this out! (subtitled in French)
Timewave Zero (Terence McKenna) 2/3
Check this out! (subtitled in French)
Timewave Zero (Terence McKenna) 1/3
Check this out! (subtitled in French)