Wer war zuerst da – das Huhn oder das Ei? Immer wieder heisst es, dass Ezechiel einen Thronwagen Gottes sah, der in der Prä-Astronautik als eine Art Raumschiff gedeutet wird. Aber Ezechiel war lange nicht der erste Prophet, der das von sich behauptet hat ….. Links: www.Fischinger-online.blogspot.de www.twitter.com www.facebook.com
Tag: Testament
Die “Apokalypse des Abraham” und die Astronautengötter – Reiste der Stammvater in das All?
Alles über die Rätsel & Mysterien der Welt und darüber hinaus. Rätsel & Mysterien der Welt – der Channel des Schriftstellers, Journalisten und Phänomene-Jägers Lars A. Fischinger. Das altjüdische Buch “Die Apokalypse des Abraham” (fast 2000 Jahre alt) erzählt uns, dass der Stammvater angeblich durch vermeintliche “Engel” vom Himmel die Erde verlassen hat – und von dort die Erde aus dem All sah. “Lügen” die Prä-Astronautik-Freunde bei diesen Texten bzw. verfälschen diese im Zusammenhang? Ist es nur belletristische Spinnerei eines gewieften Dan Brons unser Vorfahren im Nahen Osten? Links: www.Fischinger-online.blogspot.de www.twitter.com www.facebook.com Buch zum Thema: “Götter der Sterne: Bibel, Mythen und kosmische Besucher” Nachtrag: Die beliebte Aussage aus Kapitel 17. in Englisch: “And I desired to fall down upon the earth, and the high place, on which we stood, [at one moment rose upright,] but at another rolled downwards. And he said: “Only worship, Abraham, and utter the song which I have taught thee; because there was no earth to fall upon.”
The Rapture (2012) – Cecilia
The Rapture music: Richard Currier words: Jim Piazza Earth, Wind, Fire, The Wings of Desire Enfold you. A whisper of Angels Voices in seashells Console you Those who can hear them Are those who don’t fear them. I feel them, lifting me, The Wings of Desire Glorious Rapture, Glorious Rapture, Glorious Rapture, Forever After. The Angels make way for the dawn of the day of love Those who believe them Are those who will see them. I feel them, lifting me, On Wings of Desire. © 2007 currier/piazza music Spiritual author Stuart Wilde was the first to recognize the special quality of Cecilia’s voice when he met her after one of his seminars. Later that evening she “wowed everyone” when she stood on a table and sang “Amazing Grace” a cappella. Wilde generously organized her first recording, “Voice of the Feminine Spirit” and included her on his tour of Australia with several other “collective conscious” authors, including: Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. When I first listened to “Voice of the Feminine Spirit,” I was struck by Cecilia’s unique sound like Enya, Celine Dion or Sarah Brightman. We began writing one another and a few months later I got a call “Hi, Its Cecilia I’m in New York and in front of your building.” She came up. I met an angel! I made “The Rapture” with my writing partner Jim Piazza, a few years later, after the untimely death of my “soul mate”, Dr. Peter (J) John Brothers. Peter and Cecilia had met several times when she …
Kathleen Keating: Bible Code – June 25th 2002 Pt3
Kathleen Keating on Mysteries of the Mind with Alex Merklinger, June 25th 2002. Topics include the Bible Code, UN, Malachi Martin, The Third Secret of Fatima, the antichrist and the apocalypse. Real News, but not for the faint of heart. For those who had ears to hear and eyes to see….the remnant. This is from 8 years ago. 12 parts. ______ BEATIFIC VISION “My child, none can view the great vision, the beatific vision; none can view this, for it would be that you would be removed from your earthly body. This awaits mankind only over the veil. We send to you only what your human mind can comprehend. Were We to show you, My child, what lies beyond the veil, the beauty, the full encompassment of your emotions would still your earthly heart. This We cannot give to you until you come across the veil.” – Our Lady, April 13, 1974 _________________ “But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9
The Rapture – Cecilia
a sailor. I remember thinking her “guide” was one crusty old geezer! “A little spooky” but I remember we all had a really good evening. Cecilia genuinely wanted “to heal” Peter by bringing these folks by. I felt comforted by her “Complete Faith”. She became my Saint Cecilia that night. Whatever transpired, Peter seemed to have fun and we went to bed feeling hopeful. He died a few months later… forever my “Saint Peter”. I was completely inspired after seeing the 1987 film “Der Himmel über …