They Don’t Really Care About Us W/ Hook / 2012 Hip Hop Remix / Rap Instrumental

New Beat! Hope you like the video too, some REAL issues that bother the fuck out of me. The song’s not long enough to put everything I wanted in, but Enjoy. LIKE AND SHARE. Thanks!

World War III, Toxic Rain, Anubis, Planetary Alignment, Wormhole In The Gulf… What the…???

Saudi Arabia will allow Israel air space to strike Iran: North Korea threatens all out war… again: Anubis at Denver International Airport(please Google for much, much more info on DIA) Planetary Alignment: This video talks about the Obama/Morgan Freeman reference, but you should really spend some time watching this channel: Through The Wormhole: Is there A Creator Occult symbolism in Sherlock Holmes: Confused, angry, frustrated, concerned? Want to help and don’t know what you can do or how? Participate in the Oil Spill Project!


This video discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, and how it is responsible for a host of different medical problems – including cancer, brittle bone disease, immune deficiency, mental sedation, and even reduced IQ. This has all been known to the powers-that-be since the 1920’s. Despite the fact that fluoride has been shown to have no effect whatsoever in reducing dental problems, the powers-that-be insist on putting it in our tap water. Fluoride is a toxic industrial bi …

Question Your Reality (Alex Jones)

This video discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, and how it is responsible for a host of different medical problems – including cancer, brittle bone disease, immune deficiency, mental sedation, and even reduced IQ. This has all been known to the powers-that-be since the 1920’s. Despite the fact that fluoride has been shown to have no effect whatsoever in reducing dental problems, the powers-that-be insist on putting it in our tap water. Fluoride is a toxic industrial bi …