
Links for the broadcast below: Yet Another Legal Challenge into Dr. David Kelly’s Death: www.dailymail.co.uk Making Multilateralism Work: www.stanleyfoundation.org Restaurants Woo Customers who have Food Stamps: www.usatoday.com Narcolepsy Linked to Swine Flu Vaccine: www.hs.fi All-Party Parliamentary Group for World Governance: oneworldtrust.org Enviro. Protection Agency Declares “Hay is a Pollutant”: r-calfusa.com No Right to Privacy in Food Contracts: www.newswithviews.com Rural Cleansing of Farmers by Gov-Monopoly Fascist System: current.com Alan Watt: www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com

Terrorist Congress Declares War on American People

Aaron Dykes Host tonights Infowars Nightly News. Aaron breaks down the recent passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. Aaron looks back on the interview that Alex Jones just did this past Thursday with patriot, 2nd amendment advocate, Stewart rhodes of Oath Keepers. Darrin McBreen, Our Man on The Street, ask the people what they think of the passing of the NDAA Bill by the Senate. ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 Americans completely stripped of all rights under Section 1031 Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Friday, December 2, 2011 The Senate last night codified into law the power of the US military to indefinitely detain an American citizen with no charge, no trial and no oversight whatsoever with the passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. One amendment that would have specifically blocked the measures from being used against US citizens was voted down and the final bill was passed 93-7. Another amendment introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein that attempted to bar the provision from being used on American soil, an effort to ensure “the military won’t be roaming our streets looking for suspected terrorists,” also failed, although Feinstein voted in favor of the bill anyway. www.infowars.com

Alan Watt [6th Sept, 2011] – Terminal Taxation and No Save Haven

Links for the broadcast below: Yet Another Legal Challenge into Dr. David Kelly’s Death: www.dailymail.co.uk Making Multilateralism Work: www.stanleyfoundation.org Restaurants Woo Customers who have Food Stamps: www.usatoday.com Narcolepsy Linked to Swine Flu Vaccine: www.hs.fi All-Party Parliamentary Group for World Governance: oneworldtrust.org Enviro. Protection Agency Declares “Hay is a Pollutant”: r-calfusa.com No Right to Privacy in Food Contracts: www.newswithviews.com Rural Cleansing of Farmers by Gov-Monopoly Fascist System: current.com Alan Watt: www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com

Dave vonkleist Uncensored 2010

Dave vonkleist Dave vonkleist has spent 30 years in the broadcast industry as a professional TV/radio announcer and as a professional vocalist for commercials and independent recording projects. He was staff announcer at WTNH-ch8, New Haven, Connecticut (ABC affiliate) 1990-1995, and at WFSB-ch3, Hartford, Connecticut (CBS affiliate) 1995-1996. He also hosted the Dave Riddell show, a three-hour afternoon drive time talk show at WATR AM-1320, Waterbury, Connecticut. Dave is an accomplished musician, vocalist, songwriter and performer. His albums, Will Someone Listen and Music to Die For, contain significant songs dedicated to the issues of the day, such as: Where are the Voices that Care? – the national Gulf War veterans song, The Ballad of Michael New, which was dedicated to the Michael New Defense Fund, and OK Can You See?, which questions the official story of the Oklahoma City attack. He is the producer of the documentaries 911 In Plane Site and 911 Ripple Effect, both compilations of network footage that created worldwide controversy and helped kick off an international investigation into the 2001 World Trade Center attacks. Dave’s other accomplishments include writing, directing and editing the comedy television show Spotlight Tonight; voted “Best Show” and “Best Directed” show at the 1984 Laurel Cable Awards, and syndicated to 110 stations nationwide. For ten years, Dave was co-host of the popular talk show The Power Hour. His unique brand of broadcasting mixes