Cosmos (코스모스) – EP2 – One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue (우주 생명의 푸가)

칼 세이건 코스모스 – 우주 생명의 푸가 Cosmos by Carl Sagan – One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue Episode 2 of the 시리즈 Korean, Hebrew, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Indonesian, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, Bulgarian and Estonian subtitles are available with the CC button. (Content ID Notes: Blocked in Germany)

Abu Alia in Norden 1/5 Erkan und Muhammed SEZERCIK Erich von Däniken – Maya Kalender – 2012 Erkan, Muhammed und Hogir präsentiert euch Sezercik vor.