Alex Collier – Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008 6/8

After 6 years of taking a rest, Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawai at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. Introduction is done by Dr. Michael Salla. … alex collier andromeda et mothership alien UFO space consciousness science new ways modern society shift 2012 starseeds future DNA contacts

Alex Collier – Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008 7/8

After 6 years of taking a rest, Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawai at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. Introduction is done by Dr. Michael Salla. … alex collier andromeda et mothership alien UFO space consciousness science new ways modern society shift 2012 starseeds future DNA contacts

Alex Collier – Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008 5/8

After 6 years of taking a rest, Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawai at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. Introduction is done by Dr. Michael Salla. … alex collier andromeda et mothership alien UFO space consciousness science new ways modern society shift 2012 starseeds future DNA contacts

Were the Anunnaki the Nephilim in the Bible?

extraterrestrials (aka “angels”?), who were an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500000 years. Laurence Gardner reduces this to more on the order of 50000 years, and notes specifically that the Anunnaki were not immortal. Sitchin and Gardner also disagree on the date of the Great Deluge/Flood; Sitchin assuming a time frame of 11000 BCE, while Gardner assumes one of 4000 BCE … 3600 year orbit planet nibiru sitchin 2012 pole shift anunnaki alien race ufo illuminati …

Interview with Richard C. Hoagland 1 – 3

Richard C. Hoagland is a former museum space science Curator; a former NASA Consultant; and, during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. In the mid-1960’s, at the age of 19 (possibly “the youngest museum curator in the country at the time”), Hoagland created his first elaborate commemorative event — around NASA’s first historic unmanned fly-by of the planet Mars, Mariner 4. A simultaneous all-night, transcontinental radio program the …