[Watch in HD1080p – Those with impaired vision, please do not comment!] – Near a newly found Martian city, which will be closed in on in an upcoming episode, Freyk John Geeris found what might be a large Martian theme park. It looks like a laughing man from above, wearing a hat. In its left eye, clearly visible, you’ll discover a secondary facial feature, an eyeball, which in itself already makes it highly unlikely that this is a natural phenomenon. Together with the visible nose and mouth with lips and teeth, and the right eye visible just under the rim of the hat, on the left, it’s going to be hard for anyone, including any expert, to say this is all a trick of nature, unless they can come up with an example here on Earth that would prove the contrary. Then, if one examines the face a little closer, one can easily detect another two or three carved out faces on its surface embedded. Besides those, the Man In Hat is covered in structures of a variety of forms and sizes! Check it out for yourself, but please only comment if you have something sensible to say. Those with impaired vision, please do not comment at all. [Note: Although we would very much like to show you the unspoiled version, to prevent unauthorized copying and distribution for personal gain by Richard Hoagland and alike, this video has been tagged with a copyright notification throughout. Our sincere apologies.]