Bill Hicks performing for his first video, Sane Man, in Austin, Texas in 1989. William Melvin Hicks was an American stand-up comedian in the 1980s and early 1990s. He challenged mainstream beliefs, aiming to “enlighten people to think for themselves.” Hicks used a ribald approach to express his material, describing himself as “Chomsky with dick jokes.” His jokes included general discussions about society, religion, politics, philosophy and personal issues. Hicks’ material was often deliberately controversial and steeped in black comedy. In both his stand-up performances, and during interviews, he often criticized media and popular culture as oppressive tools of the ruling class, meant to “keep people stupid and apathetic.” An inspired and inspiring truth teller, dangerous and brave and scary all at once. Richard Pryor Hickss stand-up act is about taking a stand and occasionally dodging a chair. Rolling Stone Savage, brilliant, funny, tremendously intelligent. John Cleese He never disappointed. David Letterman Bill Hicksblowtorch, excavator, truth-sayer, and brain specialist, like a reverend waving a gun around. He will correct your vision. Others will drive on the road he built. Tom Waits
Tag: Up
Warmists Admit To Faking Temperature Records — New Zealand
NiWAGate, the latest development in the series of scandals exposing the massive anti-scientific, criminal fraud that is the mythos of “man-made climate change”. From Alan Watt’s January 3, 2011 broadcast. Listen to Alan’s shows and donate to him at Alan Watt Cutting Through Matrix Climategate NiWA NiWAGate New Zealand climate center agency admits fudging data to fake global warming bogus science fake fraud anti scientific conmen phil jones keith briffa michael mann ipcc CRU crew of pirates gang of criminal professors fraudsters hide the decline cooling global temperatures lord monckton alex jones infowars cancun world government deal tax cash for UN eugenicist ghouls to set up massive bureaucracies all across planet planetary regime to enforce socialism depopulation eugenics
Five Things 11.19.2010 – Harry Potter! Killjoys! Girl Talk! T Give!
Just when I thought I didn’t have enough material for this weeks episode, I end up breaking the eight minute mark again. Sorry about that – I hope you guys really like me. Happy Thanksgiving! (America.) Five Things for November 19, 2010: 1. Harry Potter trailer: 2. “Na Na Na Na” My Chemical Romance music video: Entire album: 3. Download “All Day”: Why the industry won’t sue Girl Talk: 4. “You Look Like Sh*t”: 5. Here are the videos I used: George Winston: Stop Motion video: Fred (Do not watch this): Eli Roth’s “Thanksgiving” fake trailer: Red vs Blue Thanksgiving PSA: Don’t forget to Like me and Subscribe! I’m still working on new T shirt stuff. Maybe next week? Less than three you guys.
They’re Only Words
George Carlin on racism
The Best of Bill Hicks (Part 1 of 4)
The Best of Bill Hicks 1 of 4