find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …


find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …


find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …


Developed through a top-secret US military program, Remote Viewing is proven to be the most effective “psi” skill in the world. Though this skill is easy to learn and utilize within your own life, reseacrhers are just now beginning to understand how and hwy this groundbreaking skill is possible. … Remote Viewing Science Ed Dames

Dr. Simeon Hein on TruthBrigade Radio Part 8

To find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …