FurnaceFire-coming soon!

Hey all!! I’m starting up some new educational vidz regarding the mass awakening! It’s time to wake up folks! … peace love truth music MoToR Canada justice usa america “jordan maxwell” ufo’s light WoW “all cap’s name” police “process servers” law water food health children

Question Your Reality (Alex Jones)

This video discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, and how it is responsible for a host of different medical problems – including cancer, brittle bone disease, immune deficiency, mental sedation, and even reduced IQ. This has all been known to the powers-that-be since the 1920’s. Despite the fact that fluoride has been shown to have no effect whatsoever in reducing dental problems, the powers-that-be insist on putting it in our tap water. Fluoride is a toxic industrial bi …

Obama Trashed Bill of Rights today

Did Barack Obama just rip the bill of rights

Bo Obama: The First Dog Interview

Bo Obama The Nation’s First Dog answers question during press conference in the Rose Garden concerning Governor Sarah Palins Policy on the aerial killing of wolves in Alaska.