07/09 ~ Maj. Ed Dames TMRN 2011 07-09 Time Monk Radio Interviews Present: Maj. Ed Dames

www.mediafire.com 2011 07-09 Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: Maj. Ed Dames on TMRN Radio www.learnrv.com www.urbansurvival.com www.halfpasthuman.com www.webbotforum.com

Secret Space Are we at war?

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This video was put together using some of the best footage I could find available of current technology used by the military and of recent anomalous objects and events caught on film. To present an hypothetical scenario that may have a certain reality to it. Is there a secret space programme? if so, what is it for? why do we need one? Why are we weaponising space, for what purpose, and against whom? Are we involved in a covert war with an off-world civilisation? There is plenty of documented evidence to suggest that a secret space programme exists and that the militaries of the world have engaged and sometimes brought down craft of unknown origin. Also that they themselves have suffered losses. Then we have Gary Mckinnon, still waiting to learn his fate 10 years after he stumbled upon Fleet to Fleet transfers and lists of ‘Off-World’ officers. Whilst looking for information on ufos on pentagon computers. Did he find evidence of a secret space programme? Numerous researches have covered the subject, most notably Richard C Hoagland, Richard Dolan, Timothy Good, Jim Marrs, and Peter Lavenda to name a few. Please check the researchers listed out, also listen to the Secret space programme conference recently held in

July4patriot Tells All In Case He Is Murdered

1st of a series of video logs to explain in intricate detail, every aspect of my current cases, past case, and corruption of several government agencies. In the case of my death or incarceration, they will be expanded upon substantially. Original video: www.youtube.com Keywords: 2nd American Revolution Second American Revolution Patriot Rebellion Rogue Nation Eternal Militias 1776 New World Order Alex Jones Patriots Land of the free American Militia Resistance Movement ARM Defenders The Constitution RevolutionPatriot Rebellion Rogue Nation Eternal Militias 1776 New World Order Alex Jones Patriots Homegrown Right wingLand of the free American Militia Resistance Movement ARM Defenders The Constitution Revolution Patriot Rebellion Rogue Nation Eternal Militias 1776 New World Order Alex Jones Patriots Homegrown Right wing American Militia Movement, ARM, Alex Jones, New World Order, Illuminati, NWO, Skull and Bones, Bush, 911 Conspiracy, The Civilians Military, Militia, American Resistance Movement, Revolt, Bilderberg, CFR, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Loose Change, End Game, Terrorstorm, Patriot Act, HR 1955, 911 was an inside job, truth, iraq war, black water, free masons, Ron Paul, New World Order carbon tax CO2 Global Warming is a fearmongering scam. The sun is getting hotter. Alex Jones is just one source. Police State is just making some X-military clones. MK Ultra mind control. Income. John F. Kennedy or JFK CIA FBI international bankers Rothschild David Rockefeller

Alien Contact.part2

Documentary about SETI, watch entire video and please leave comments. This will be of interest to anybody intriged by topics like aliens, UFO’s, space, extraterestrials, nasa, science, society, unexplained and the paranormal. Alternatively anyone curious about a possible future.(Richard Hoagland, George Noory, Jim Marrs, Art Bell, Billy Meier)