STeve wILLner ~ labYrinth of the PSYCHOnaut

tItle of ART pC*. “`C* !.!* …* kILL THEE wIt RAbIt !.!* …* STeve wILLner`” RE`dOne / RE`touChed bY, C*.1*.3*. aka fallOthewItrabIT !.!* …* THEE maTRIX has U !.!*…* original portrait not made by me. pics. done on, Mar. 5. 2011 RAbIt C*sUn !.!* 2011 ~ 20!.!* vid. made on, June 16,2011 I had randomlY, deCided to RE’dO / RE`touCh his photo. 😉 ——————————————————————————- I wuz bored, & I decide to turn it into a short vid., so that u could see sum of the process (other pics.), I didn’t post (tag u in…) @ my fb pg. 😉 HOPe U LIke It ~STeve wILLner ~ !.!* …* C*.1*.3*. !.! ~aka fallOthewItrabIT !.!* …* THEE maTRIX has U !.!*…* visit his yt pg. ; Run Home Jack 11:11, Diamonds for The Goddess, The Open Eye of Osiris, and The Illusion of Duality Beyond the Veil Through Black Plasmatic Cosmos AI ART O FISH EL INTELLIGENCE ______________________________________ 2 liSIN 2 the FULL SONG (music snip-it, that I used) (an “AWSUM” band that I found thru YT/ If it wuzn’t for other’z sharing/posting music by them, I would never have heard of them… I LUV ALL their music…) : ______________________________________ 30~2nd 2 MARz ~ THEE kILL(burY ME) Kill The Wabbit kILL THEE RAbIT ?.? If ur LOOKing 4 FUN u dOn’t need a REaSON ALL u need Is a gun It’z= ﻹ ﻹﻹRAbIt C*sUn !.! 2011~20!.!*ﻹ ﻹ ﻹ :p

President Obama White House Ruby Bridges Reliving Roots of Racism in the South

President Obama Invites Ruby Bridges to the White House She was the Girl in The Norman Rockwell Segregation painting The Problem We All Live which portrayed Racist and Slavery Themes. in 1960 Just a little while back teachers refused to teach while a black child was enrolled in New Orleans. The Child in the Painting has Grown up. Ruby Bridges in The Norman Rockwell painting The Problem We All Live With In 1964 Look Magazine Published a Painting by American Artist Norman Rockwell of Ruby Bridges Now In this video. At the Time America was still enwrapped in Slavery and not equal rights. Ruby Bridges visited the White House to see how a painting commemorating her personal and historic milestone looks hanging on the wall outside of the Oval Office. American Artist Norman Rockwell was criticized by some when this painting first appeared on the cover of Look magazine on January 14,1964; now the iconic portrait will be on display throughout the summer of 2011 in one of the most exalted locations in the country. President Obama White Ruby Bridges Visit Remembering the Roots of Racism in the South Ruby Bridges visited the White House to see how a painting commemorating her personal and historic milestone looks hanging on the wall outside of the Oval Office. American Artist Norman Rockwell was criticized by some when this painting first appeared on the cover of Look magazine on January 14,1964; now the iconic portrait will be on display throughout the summer of 2011 in one of the

Art Bell with Richard Hoagland and Robert Ghost Wolf 4

They Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll PERSEVERE IN PRAYER But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, as for murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death Revelation 21:8 “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8 JESUS SAVES