Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. … Niels Haritt Professor Chemistry University Copenhagen WTC Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome Bilderberg group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron Paul
Tag: Who
secret teachings of all ages pt98
awsome book by manly palmer hall. coverted to audio book by realeducation23
Niels Harrit on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/2:Nano-Thermite Found in WTC Dust !!
Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. … Niels Haritt Professor Chemistry University Copenhagen WTC Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome Bilderberg group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron Paul
Alan Watt – The World Health Organisation Wants To Depopulate The World Down To A “Managable Level”
THIS ISNOT AN OFFICIAL ALAN WATT VIDEO OR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. This is a clip from Alan Watt’s RBN show. Watt reads an article by Christopher Booker which highlights the massive fear-mongering that has been going on in recent years: This follows on from “Alan Watt – They Are Using Fear And Panic To Get What They Want” – This is the quote Watt refers to: “It doesnt matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” – Paul Watson, co-founder of …
Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 4/4:The Illuminati Are Making Their Move!!