WAKE UP AND UNITE We Are All One Consciousness 2012.mp4

A great Video on how we are all one. See my channel for more info, please SUBSCRIBE for questions or to exchange research or scources write to: Izabelab@rocketmail.com Anastasia beavenhouser on FB


‪www.divinecosmos.com‬ by David Wilcock and Larry Seyer Are you a wanderer? Find out in this 2,5 hour long spiritual musical You will hear an incredible FIFTY SONGS in this transformative journey: 25 narrations that tell the story, with gorgeous musical orchestrations to support the voice 25 vocal songs with David as the lead singer and Larry on background vocals Incredible quality from Larrys producer / engineer / instrumental experience with over 500 signed recording artists — mastering the finished products that led to millions of copies sold, by many of the biggest names in the industry Majestic guitar and drum work — one of Larrys Grammys is for a guitar solo, and Davids training as a jazz fusion drummer is realized throughout the project Lush background vocals in almost every vocal song — gorgeous harmonies really put the icing on the cake! Spiritually uplifting storyline, structured like a film, describing a characters journey through all the highs and lows of a full awakening THE FOUR PARTS OF THE JOURNEY Here is a list of song titles and times for each of the four parts. In honor of the classic feel and emotional archetype of vinyl LPs, we structured each part to fit on an old-school conventional record album! You can download the product and burn each part to a separate CD for your listening pleasure. Every odd-numbered track is a narration and every even-numbered track is a vocal song. The entire album weighs in at just six seconds over 2:22 — two hours, 22

911 The Truth As I See it V2 Part 1

Special thanks to chemlin.This is an alternative version of my featured video.I may add some more parts to this in the near future with more detailed analysis of the demolitions performed by our demonic elite on 9-11.


The Earth is Changing & So are YOU!! ..Be Love Be SpirituallYOU.. Take Back the POWER that is YOURS Within.. Embrace the Changes Never Fear them.. as that’s What the Powers that be Want.. Remember ..LET GO OF FEAR!! PLEASE Share this VT to Your Twitter – Facebook & All Other Networking Sites & Most of All Upload to YOUR Youtube Channels & Remember Keep Spreading the Love Always.. March march “MARCH 22ND 2012” “March 22nd 2012” Nibiru “Pole Shift” UFO’s ufo UFO “It’s All Connected” “Major Earth Changes” Earthquakes Alien “Extraterrestrial Life” Space Aliens “Beware the Ides of March” 322 “Mayan Calender” Tsunami “Japan Quake” “New Zealand Quake” “Chile Quake” 2012 “Planet x” “Mega quake” Apocalypse “Georgia Guidestones” Universe “Unidentified Flying Object” Moon “December 21st 2012” October August Babylonia Egypt endtimes Benjamin Fulford David Wilcock ET Disclosure