Eric Cooper and Bobby Fonta – Strut Contest – Pro Wrestling eKlipse

plan to have her back. A special thanks to the fans who stuck through the long intermission as we had insane ring issues. And finally a huge thank you to all the guys who came out last minute and filled in for the missing spots, and to our whole roster and staff for helping out run the show in the absence of so many. Luis Matos deserves a big hand in his first night running operations. Blair Russel was in attendance. So I am expecting a review from him soon . Robbie Markson defeated Scott Jobs …

Tiger Dori Singh & Danny Denton vs Eddie Watts & Buddy Wayne

Men’s Tag Team Pro Wrestling. All Star Wrestling From The 80’s. Tiger Dori Singh & Danny Denton vs Eddie Watts & Buddy Wayne. Ref: Gary Allen. Manager: Master Singh. Special Guest: The Frog.